Time to Refuel

Yesterday was a fun day. I woke up early and ran to the grocery store to buy some snacks. Through a chance encounter, I had received the “off-site planning week” schedule for Scottsdale Christian Academy’s executive team — and I know that good snacks are needed for any good planning meeting.

In my opinion, SCA’s leadership has been beautiful and inspiring in their decision-making, attitude, consideration and courage. I don’t have a student at SCA, but I have a couple of nephews who attend there, an aunt, a mother-in-law and a wife who work there, and a best friend who is a principal there.

I wanted the SCA leadership to feel loved, be encouraged, and, hopefully, inspired to continue their considerate, courageous decision-making. I had noticed on the schedule that they would be discussing “critical race theory,” so I looked up the best snacks for brain function.😊 I gathered the “brain snacks” and also found some Think! High Protein Bars (because they have to be good for brains). I put the snacks in big brown paper bags reminiscent of the “Ladmo Bags” from the Wallace and Ladmo show.

When I arrived at SCA, I found the superintendent and asked him if I could address his team at the beginning of their meeting. He looked a little confused, but I told him that I wanted to thank them for their courageous, considerate leadership; that I wanted them to know they inspire our leadership team at Living Streams; that I wanted to give them a gift of brain-building snacks in “Ladmo Bag” form; and that Living Streams would like to pay for their lunch. Finally, I asked if I could pray over them for their day. The superintendent smiled and said, “Wow,” and “Yes, for sure.”

Afterwards, I was feeling some joy and decided to call the superintendent at Phoenix Christian High School to see if we could do something for them. Very quickly in the conversation he told me they were looking for a place to host their leadership team’s planning days. He accepted our offer to host them and we are going to go all out for them.

This last year has been an extremely difficult season in which to lead. Like trying to keep a boat sailing straight ahead in wild seas and changing winds, it takes a ton of focus and fuel. Prolonged disruptions and ideological wars have left leaders dry and depleted — if they have survived at all. So it was a lot of fun yesterday to pour out the strength and joy that Jesus has poured into us.

Whether you are leading an organization, a classroom, a family, or even your own soul, please pay attention to your level of fatigue. You may be on the brink of failure of nerve, or failure of heart. Please know that you have burned a lot of fuel and are probably very low. Most importantly, please know that stillness in the presence of Jesus can do a lot to refuel you.

Grace and peace to you and yours,


David Stockton

David Stockton is the lead pastor at Living Streams Church in Phoenix, Arizona.


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