Weekly Meeting Schedule
Worship Gathering
Service times: 8:00, 9:30, and 11:00am | Worship Center (Bldg A)
Español Worship Service
Service time 9:00am | Gym (Bldg D)
Children (Infants to 5th Grade)
8:00, 9:30, and 11:00am | Check-in at Building C
Junior High (6th to 8th Grade)
11:00 am | The Loft (Bldg D)
High School (9th to 12th Grade)
11:00 am | The Loft (Bldg D)
Revelation Fitness
8:15 am | Activity Center (Gym)
Celebrate Recovery
7 pm | Chapel (Bldg D)
Men’s Breakfast
6:45 am | Chapel (Bldg D)
Morning Prayer
6:30 am | Sanctuary (Bldg A)
Women’s Bible Studies
9:15am gathering will resume September 11. Look here for other opportunities.
Seniors Bible Study (60+)
1 pm | Lounge (Bldg A)
Miércoles De Discipulado / Español Discipleship Group
6pm | Basement (Bldg A)
3 to 5 Hang (3rd to 5th Grade)
7:00-8:30pm | C203 (Bldg C)
Youth Gathering (Jr High & High School)
7:00-8:30pm | Activity Center (Bldg D)
Discipleship Bible Study
7 pm | The Lounge (Bldg A)
Prayer Meeting
12: 30 pm | Conference Room (Bldg B)
Revelation Fitness
8:15 am | Activity Center (Bldg D)