So Proud of Our Kids

This week I saw something which made my pastor heart swell up like the Grinch’s when hit with the Whos in Whoville singing their Christmas song. It happened in the midst of our sanctuary, crowded with 250 kids and 100 volunteers.

It is always good to see the sanctuary full. It is always good to see kids having fun. It is always good to see a well-organized program and adults working together to make it happen. But this year, something stood out to me like no year before. A ton of the volunteers were kids!

What I mean by “kids” is many of the volunteer leaders are young. Many of the volunteer leaders used to be participants of VBS — some as recently as last year. Many of the volunteer leaders are kids whose parents attend our church — including my own kids. They were everywhere. 11-year-olds leading the preschoolers, 13-year-olds leading the 1st and 2nd graders, high schoolers leading the 3rd graders, and so on. And it appeared they were taking it very seriously, as though they felt like they were doing some real grown-up, important stuff. And they looked like they were having fun and enjoying themselves. It was also hilarious to hear them talk about how exhausted they were after trying to keep up with all the kids. I half-expected some of them to start holding their back like it was aching, or groan when they went from sitting to standing.

As I contemplated why this made me so happy and fueled my joy tank so much, I landed on a few ideas.

  1. The first idea comes from 3 John 1:4 where John the Apostle writes, “I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth.” Inspired by the Holy Spirit, John declares this truth which is so rooted in the human psyche because our Creator has a Father’s heart.

    One day this week a mom pulled me aside to tell me how well my daughter was caring for her non-verbal, autistic child in her group. My heart did not skip a beat when I heard this. It thumped with such a heavy beat I thought it was going to burst!

  2. The second idea comes from Proverbs 23:15-16. Here the teacher declares, “My child, if your heart is wise, then my heart will be glad indeed; my inmost being will rejoice when your lips speak what is right.” And I know these young volunteer leaders are declaring with their mouths and their actions what is right and wise. They are stepping into a role, at least for this week, to teach what is good, to direct others into what is good, to keep the peace, and to pronounce blessing over others. When I think about that, my heart and inmost being fill up with gladness and rejoicing. 

  3. The third and final idea comes from Matthew 25:23 where Jesus finishes a story about an employer who sees the good work of his employee. “His master replied, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!’
    My heart rejoices to see what these young volunteers are doing and I am excited to see what can happen as they learn to be faithful in the little things. My heart is filled with pride for all the parents of these kids who are faithfully training them in righteousness, pointing them in the direction of service and commitment to Christ’s Church, and doing what it takes to give them the opportunity to do this. 

I am so proud to be a part of a church family with so many strong families. I did not say perfect families — I said strong families. Families where mom and dad are more committed to Jesus and each other than their own joy or satisfaction. Families more committed to Jesus and their children than their own aspirations and comforts. Families more committed to Jesus and His Church than their own convenience and prosperity.  And families who are so committed to Jesus they can receive and stand by a pastor who is imperfect all the time, confused much of the time, and unsure some of the time. 

Though there are some challenging things in my life — and all of our lives right now — the way this next generation is taking their place and seeking first God and His righteousness in our little corner of the world has done my heart some good this week.

Grace, Peace and Stamina to You from the Lord Jesus Christ,


David Stockton

David Stockton is the lead pastor at Living Streams Church in Phoenix, Arizona.


Lower Third


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