Recommended Reading
These books are not perfect, and neither are their authors, but we believe they are useful. From the context of a healthy community, please filter everything you read first through the Scriptures, then reason, Church tradition, and lastly experience.
Bonhoeffer, Eric Metaxas Audio Book Available, Big Impact Big Read, Biographic, Build Courageous People, Engaging Society's Pain Alec Seekins, David Stockton, Jeff Gokee
Amazing Grace, Eric Metaxes Audio Book Available, Big Impact Big Read, Biographic, Build Courageous People, Engaging Society's Pain Life Together Alec Seekins, Jeff Gokee
Miracles, Eric Metaxes Apologetics, Audio Book Available, Supernatural, Theology Alec Seekins
Seven Women: And the Secret of Their Greatness, Eric Metaxas Audio Book Available, Big Impact Easy Read, Biographic, Build Courageous People, Engaging Society's Pain, Women Alec Seekins
From Darkness Into Light, Mark Buckley Biographic, Build Courageous People, Emotional/Mental Health, Engaging Society's Pain, Supernatural, Living Streams Author, Big Impact Easy Read Alec Seekins, David Stockton
Into the Desert: When the Path to Heaven Seems Like the Road to Hell by Mark Buckley Big Impact Easy Read, Biographic, Build Courageous People, Emotional/Mental Health, Supernatural, Living Streams Author Alec Seekins
Head in the Clouds Feet on the Ground, Ryan Romeo Audio Book Available, Build Courageous People, Living Streams Author Alec Seekins, David Stockton
The Insanity of God, Nik Ripken Audio Book Available, Big Impact Easy Read, Biographic, Build Courageous People, Engaging Society's Pain, Missions, Prayer, Supernatural Alec Seekins, Faith Cummings
The Wounded Healer, Henri Nouwen Audio Book Available, Devotional, Emotional/Mental Health, Spiritual Formation Jeff Gokee
Lifesigns: Intimacy, Fecundity, and Ecstasy in Christian Perspective, Henry Nouwen Audio Book Available, Emotional/Mental Health, Spiritual Formation Dan Riccio
The Return of the Prodigal Son: A Story of Homecoming Henri J. M. Nouwen Audio Book Available, Devotional, Forgiveness, Spiritual Formation The Book of Hosea Alec Seekins, Jeff Gokee
The Way of The Heart, Henri Nouwen Audio Book Available, Big Impact Easy Read, Devotional, Emotional/Mental Health, Prayer, Spiritual Formation Alec Seekins, Ryan Romeo
Misreading Scripture With Western Eyes, E. Randolph Richards & Brandon J. O'Brien Audio Book Available, Biblical Studies, Big Impact Big Read, Missions, Theology, Honor & Shame Alec Seekins
Misreading Scripture with Individualist Eyes: Patronage, Honor, and Shame in the Biblical World, E. Randolph Richards & Richard James Audio Book Available, Biblical Studies, Big Impact Big Read, Missions, Theology, Honor & Shame Alec Seekins
Bruchko, Bruce Olson Audio Book Available, Big Impact Easy Read, Biographic, Build Courageous People, Engaging Society's Pain, Evangelism, Missions, Supernatural, Honor & Shame Alec Seekins, Faith Cummings, Ryan Romeo
Gay Girl Good God, Jackie Hill Perry Audio Book Available, Big Impact Easy Read, Biographic, Build Courageous People, Engaging Society's Pain, LGBTQ+, Men, Sexuality, Spiritual Formation, Women, Parenting Alec Seekins
Long Walk to Freedom, Nelson Mandela Audio Book Available, Biographic, Build Courageous People, Engaging Society's Pain, Forgiveness, Racism, Secular David Stockton, Alec Seekins
Wild at Heart, John Eldredge Audio Book Available, Big Impact Easy Read, Build Courageous People, Devotional, Emotional/Mental Health, Marriage, Men, Sexuality, Spiritual Formation Alec Seekins, David Stockton
The Unseen Realm: Recovering the Supernatural Worldview of the Bible, Michael Heiser Audio Book Available, Biblical Studies, Supernatural Alec Seekins, Tammy Valdez, Ryan Romeo, Dan Riccio
Supernatural, Michael S. Heiser Audio Book Available, Biblical Studies, Supernatural Alec Seekins, Tammy Valdez, Ryan Romeo
Tattoos on the Heart, Gregory Boyle Audio Book Available, Big Impact Easy Read, Biographic, Build Courageous People, Engaging Society's Pain, Evangelism, Forgiveness, Missions Alec Seekins, David Stockton, Ryan Romeo
The Gospel Comes with a House Key, Rosaria Butterfield Audio Book Available, Big Impact Easy Read, Biographic, Build Courageous People, Engaging Society's Pain, Marriage, Men, Women, Missions, Spiritual Formation Alec Seekins, David Stockton
The Book of Forgiving, Desmond & Mpho Tutu Audio Book Available, Build Courageous People, Devotional, Emotional/Mental Health, Engaging Society's Pain, Forgiveness, Marriage, Racism, Spiritual Formation, Honor & Shame, God's Glory on Display Alec Seekins
The Hiding Place, Corrie ten Boom Audio Book Available, Big Impact Easy Read, Biographic, Build Courageous People, Emotional/Mental Health, Engaging Society's Pain, Forgiveness, Prayer, Racism, Spiritual Formation, Supernatural, God's Glory on Display Alec Seekins, Faith Cummings, David Stockton, Ryan Romeo
Simply Christian, N.T. Wright Audio Book Available, Biblical Studies, Apologetics, Theology
Surprised by Hope, N.T. Wright Audio Book Available, Biblical Studies, Supernatural, Theology
Paul: A Biography, N. T. Wright Audio Book Available, Biblical Studies, Theology Jeff Gokee
The Day the Revolution Began: Reconsidering the Meaning of Jesus's Crucifixion, N.T. Wright Audio Book Available, Biblical Studies, Theology Dan Riccio
The Story of Christianity Volume 1 Audio Book Available, Church History, Theology Dan Riccio
The Story of Christianity: Volume 2: The Reformation to the Present Day Audio Book Available, Church History, Theology, Missions Dan Riccio
Mañana: Christian Theology from a Hispanic Perspective Theology, Biblical Studies, Racism, Big Impact Easy Read, Engaging Society's Pain Dan Riccio
Sant Biblia, The Bible Through Hispanic Eyes Theology, Biblical Studies, Racism, Big Impact Easy Read, Engaging Society's Pain Dan Riccio
Boundaries, Dr. Henry Could & Dr. John Townsend Audio Book Available, Emotional/Mental Health
Turning Points: Decisive Moments In The History Of Christianity Audio Book Available, Church History Dan Riccio
The Shadow of the Galilean: The Quest of the Historical Jesus in Narrative Form Biblical Studies, Theology Dan Riccio
Do We Need the New Testament?: Letting the Old Testament Speak for Itself, John Goldingay Theology, Biblical Studies Dan Riccio
The Theology of the Book of Revelation (New Testament Theology), Richard Bauckham Theology, Biblical Studies To The Seven Churches Dan Riccio
Revelation and the End of All Things, Craig Koester Theology, Biblical Studies To The Seven Churches Dan Riccio
Confronting Old Testament Controversies: Pressing Questions about Evolution, Sexuality, History, and Violence, Tremper Longman III Theology, Biblical Studies, LGBTQ+ Dan Riccio
With God in Solitary Confinement, Richard Wurmbrand Spiritual Formation, Biographic, Big Impact Easy Read, Engaging Society's Pain, Forgiveness Dan Riccio
Tortured for Christ, Richard Wurmbrand Spiritual Formation, Biographic, Big Impact Easy Read, Engaging Society's Pain, Forgiveness Dan Riccio
Allah: A Christian Response, Miroslav Volf Theology, Racism, Engaging Society's Pain, Forgiveness, Honor & Shame Dan Riccio
The Good News of Our Limits: Find Greater Peace, Joy, and Effectiveness Through God’s Gift of Inadequacy, Sean McGever Audio Book Available, Spiritual Formation Dan Riccio
The End of Apologetics: Christian Witness in a Postmodern Context, Myron Penner Apologetics, Biblical Studies, Engaging Society's Pain, Evangelism, Missions, Theology Dan Riccio
How to Read the Bible for All Its Worth: Fourth Edition, Gordon D. Fee & Douglas Stuart Biblical Studies, Theology Dan Riccio
Answering God: The Psalms as Tools for Prayer, Euguene Peterson Biblical Studies, Theology, Prayer Dan Riccio
You Are What You Love: The Spiritual Power of Habit, James K.A. Smith Spiritual Formation Dan Riccio
African American Christian Worship, Melva Wilson Costen Spiritual Formation, Racism, Church History, Dan Riccio
In a Pit with a Lion on a Snowy Day: How to Survive and Thrive When Opportunity Roars, Mark Batterson Spiritual Formation, Build Courageous People Dan Riccio
Jesus though the Eyes of Women: How the First Female Disciples Help Us Know and Love the Lord, Rebecca McLaughlin Apologetics, Audio Book Available, Biblical Studies, Build Courageous People, Engaging Society's Pain, Theology, Women, Church History Alec Seekins
Does the Bible Affirm Same-Sex Relationships?: Examining 10 Claims about Scripture and Sexuality, Rebecca McLaughlin Audio Book Available, Engaging Society's Pain, LGBTQ+, Sexuality, Theology Alec Seekins
Confronting Christianity: 12 Hard Questions for the World's Largest Religion, Rebecca McLaughlin Apologetics, Audio Book Available, Big Impact Easy Read, Engaging Society's Pain, Evangelism, LGBTQ+, Racism, Women, Men, Sexuality Alec Seekins, Ryan Romeo
Scientism and Secularism: Learning to Respond to a Dangerous Ideology, J. P. Moreland Apologetics, Audio Book Available, Engaging Society's Pain Alec Seekins
The Soul: How We Know It's Real and Why It Matters by J. P. Moreland Apologetics, Audio Book Available, Engaging Society's Pain, Supernatural Alec Seekins
Love Your God With All Your Mind, JP Moreland Apologetics, Engaging Society's Pain, Spiritual Formation Tim Hesman
Finding Quiet: My Story of Overcoming Anxiety and the Practices that Brought Peace, James Porter Moreland Apologetics, Audio Book Available, Engaging Society's Pain, Emotional/Mental Health, Spiritual Formation Philippians Alec Seekins
A Simple Guide to Experience Miracles: Instruction and Inspiration for Living Supernaturally in Christ, J. P. Moreland Apologetics, Audio Book Available, Engaging Society's Pain, Supernatural, Spiritual Formation Alec Seekins
The Toxic War on Masculinity: How Christianity Reconciles the Sexes by Nancy Pearcey Apologetics, Audio Book Available, Build Courageous People, Engaging Society's Pain, Marriage, Men, Women, Sexuality Alec Seekins
Total Truth: Liberating Christianity from Its Cultural Captivity (Study Guide Edition) by Nancy Pearcey Apologetics, Audio Book Available, Big Impact Big Read, Spiritual Formation, Theology Alec Seekins, Ryan Romeo
Finding Truth: 5 Principles for Unmasking Atheism, Secularism, and Other God Substitutes, Nancy Pearcey Apologetics, Audio Book Available, Big Impact Big Read, Spiritual Formation, Theology Alec Seekins, Ryan Romeo
Love Thy Body: Answering Hard Questions About Life and Sexuality, Nancy R. Pearcey Apologetics, Audio Book Available, Big Impact Big Read, Spiritual Formation, Theology, Sexuality, LGBTQ+, Engaging Society's Pain, Women Alec Seekins, Ryan Romeo
Defying Jihad: The Dramatic True Story of a Woman Who Volunteered to Kill Infidels - and Then Faced Death for Becoming One, Esther Ahmad, Craig Borlase Apologetics, Audio Book Available, Biographic, Build Courageous People, Missions, Supernatural, Women, God's Glory on Display Alec Seekins
Murder, Motherhood, and Miraculous Grace, Debra Moerke & Cindy Lambert Audio Book Available, Big Impact Easy Read, Biographic, Build Courageous People, Engaging Society's Pain, Evangelism, Forgiveness, Missions, Supernatural, Women, Parenting, God's Glory on Display Alec Seekins
Discover Your God-Given Gifts, Revised and Updated Edition, Don & Katie Fortune Build Courageous People, Spiritual Formation, Supernatural Alec Seekins, Ryan Romeo, David Stockton
The Pursuit of God, A. W. Tozer Audio Book Available, Big Impact Easy Read, Build Courageous People, Devotional, Prayer, Spiritual Formation Jeff Gokee
Red Moon Rising: How 24-7 Prayer Is Awakening a Nation, Pete Greig Audio Book Available, Big Impact Easy Read, Biographic, Build Courageous People, Engaging Society's Pain, Evangelism, Missions, Prayer, Spiritual Formation, Supernatural, God's Glory on Display, Church History Alec Seekins
God on Mute: Engaging the Silence of Unanswered Prayer, Pete Greig Audio Book Available, Build Courageous People, Emotional/Mental Health, Engaging Society's Pain, Apologetics, Prayer, Spiritual Formation, Theology The Book of Job Alec Seekins
How to pray, Pete Greig Audio Book Available, Build Courageous People, Emotional/Mental Health, Prayer, Spiritual Formation Tim Hesman
Growing in Prayer, Mike Bickle Prayer, Spiritual Formation Tim Hesman
Practice of the Presence of God, Brother Lawrence Prayer, Audio Book Available, Spiritual Formation Tim Hesman
The Confessions, St Augustine Apologetics, Audio Book Available, Biographic, Spiritual Formation, Theology, Church History Alec Seekins, David Stockton, Tim Hesman
Mere Christianity, C.S. Lewis Apologetics, Audio Book Available, Theology Tim Hesman
The Four Loves by C. S. Lewis Audio Book Available, Emotional/Mental Health, Marriage, Sexuality, Parenting
Celebration of Discipline, Richard Foster Build Courageous People, Spiritual Formation Tim Hesman
Prayer, Richard Foster Prayer, Spiritual Formation Tim Hesman
The Beauty of the Spiritual Language, Jack Hayford Prayer, Supernatural Tim Hesman
How to worship a King, Zach Neese Worship, Spiritual Formation, Big Impact Easy Read Tim Hesman
The Dark Night of the Soul, St. John of the Cross Emotional/Mental Health, Spiritual Formation Tim Hesman
Handbook of Christian Apologetics, Peter Kreeft and Ronald K. Tacelli Apologetics Tim Hesman
When Helping Hurts: How to Alleviate Poverty Without Hurting the Poor . . . and Yourself, Steve Corbett, Brian Fikkert Audio Book Available, Engaging Society's Pain, Missions Alec Seekins, Jeff Gokee
Destined for the Throne: How Spiritual Warfare Prepares the Bride of Christ for Her Eternal Destiny, Paul E. Billheimer Build Courageous People, Prayer, Spiritual Formation, Supernatural
Glory Zone in the War Zone: Miracles, Signs, and Wonders in the Middle East, Andrew White Audio Book Available, Biographic, Build Courageous People, Missions, Prayer, Supernatural, God's Glory on Display
Safe People: How to Find Relationships that are Good for You and Avoid Those That Aren't, Henry Cloud Emotional/Mental Health, Sexuality, Men, Women
Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire, Jim Cymbala Audio Book Available, Big Impact Easy Read, Biographic, Missions, Prayer, Supernatural, God's Glory on Display Ryan Romeo
Through the Eyes of a Lion: Facing Impossible Pain, Finding Incredible Power, Levi Lusko Audio Book Available, Emotional/Mental Health
Leap over a Wall: Earthy Spirituality for Everday Christians, Eugene H. Peterson Biblical Studies, Emotional/Mental Health, Spiritual Formation Jeff Gokee
Eat This Book: A Conversation in the Art of Spiritual Reading, Eugene H. Peterson Biblical Studies, Emotional/Mental Health, Spiritual Formation Jeff Gokee
As Kingfishers Catch Fire: A Conversation on the Ways of God Formed by the Words of God, Eugene H. Peterson Biblical Studies, Emotional/Mental Health, Spiritual Formation Jeff Gokee
Run with the Horses: The Quest for Life at Its Best Eugene H. Peterson Biblical Studies, Emotional/Mental Health, Spiritual Formation Jeff Gokee
This Hallelujah Banquet: How the End of What We Were Reveals Who We Can Be, Eugene H. Peterson Biblical Studies, Emotional/Mental Health, Spiritual Formation To The Seven Churches Jeff Gokee, Ryan Romeo
Reversed Thunder: The Revelation of John and the Praying Imagination, Eugene H. Peterson Biblical Studies, Emotional/Mental Health, Spiritual Formation To The Seven Churches Jeff Gokee, Ryan Romeo
Your Church Is Too Small: Why Unity in Christ's Mission Is Vital to the Future of the Church, John H. Armstrong Church Unity Jeff Gokee
Costly Love: The Way to True Unity for All the Followers of Jesus, John H. Armstrong Church Unity, Audio Book Available Jeff Gokee
A Tale of Three Kings Kindle Edition, Gene Edwards Audio Book Available, Big Impact Easy Read, Build Courageous People, Emotional/Mental Health, Forgiveness, Spiritual Formation, Honor & Shame Ryan Romeo, Alec Seekins, David Stockton, Jeff Gokee
Until Unity, Francis Chan Church Unity, Audio Book Available Jeff Gokee
Letters to the Church, Francis Chan Audio Book Available, Theology Jeff Gokee
Abide In Christ, Andrew Murray Audio Book Available, Devotional, Prayer, Spiritual Formation Jeff Gokee
The Knowledge of the Holy, A. W. Tozer Audio Book Available, Biblical Studies, Devotional, Prayer, Worship, Spiritual Formation Jeff Gokee
The Attributes of God Volume 1: A Journey into the Father's Heart, A. W. Tozer Audio Book Available, Biblical Studies, Devotional, Prayer, Worship, Spiritual Formation, God's Glory on Display Jeff Gokee
Gentle and Lowly: The Heart of Christ for Sinners and Sufferers, Dane C. Ortlund Audio Book Available, Build Courageous People, Devotional, Emotional/Mental Health, Prayer, Spiritual Formation, Theology, God's Glory on Display, Worship Gentle and Lowly Jeff Gokee, Ryan Romeo
The Divine Conspiracy: Rediscovering Our Hidden Life In God, Dallas Willard Audio Book Available, Biblical Studies, Devotional, Spiritual Formation Jeff Gokee
Foolishness to the Greeks: The Gospel and Western Culture, Lesslie Newbigin Apologetics, Audio Book Available, Engaging Society's Pain, Missions Jeff Gokee
Some Kind of Crazy: An Unforgettable Story of Profound Brokenness and Breathtaking Grace, Terry Wardle Audio Book Available, Biographic, Build Courageous People, Emotional/Mental Health, Spiritual Formation Jeff Gokee
Living at the Crossroads: An Introduction to Christian Worldview, Michael W. Goheen Apologetics, Engaging Society's Pain, Evangelism, Missions Jeff Gokee
The Drama of Scripture: Finding Our Place in the Biblical Story, Craig G. Bartholomew, Michael W. Goheen Biblical Studies Jeff Gokee
Walking With The Poor: Principles and Practices of Transformational Development, Bryant L. Myers Engaging Society's Pain, Missions Jeff Gokee
Garden City: Work, Rest, and the Art of Being Human, John Mark Comer Audio Book Available, Big Impact Easy Read, Build Courageous People, Emotional/Mental Health, Spiritual Formation, God's Glory on Display David Stockton, Ryan Romeo, Jeff Gokee, Alec Seekins
Live No Lies: Recognize and Resist the Three Enemies That Sabotage Your Peace, John Mark Comer Audio Book Available, Big Impact Easy Read, Build Courageous People, Emotional/Mental Health, Spiritual Formation, Engaging Society's Pain, David Stockton, Ryan Romeo, Jeff Gokee, Alec Seekins
The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry: How to Stay Emotionally Healthy and Spiritually Alive in the Chaos of the Modern World, John Mark Comer Audio Book Available, Big Impact Easy Read, Build Courageous People, Emotional/Mental Health, Spiritual Formation, God's Glory on Display David Stockton, Ryan Romeo, Jeff Gokee, Alec Seekins
Emotionally Healthy Spirituality: It's Impossible to Be Spiritually Mature, While Remaining Emotionally Immature, Peter Scazzero Audio Book Available, Build Courageous People, Emotional/Mental Health, Spiritual Formation Philippians Ryan Romeo, Jeff Gokee
Chasing Francis: A Pilgrim’s Tale, Ian Morgan Cron Audio Book Available, Biographic, Build Courageous People, Emotional/Mental Health, Prayer, Spiritual Formation, Church History Jeff Gokee
Knowing God, J.I. Packer Devotional, Prayer, Spiritual Formation, Worship Jeff Gokee
Evangelism and the Sovereignty of God, J. I. Packer Evangelism Jeff Gokee
The Holiness of God, R. C. Sproul Devotional, Spiritual Formation, Theology, God's Glory on Display Jeff Gokee
The Purpose of Man: Designed to Worship, A. W. Tozer Audio Book Available, Theology, Worship, Spiritual Formation, God's Glory on Display
Born Again This Way: Coming Out, Coming to Faith, and What Comes Next, Rachel Gilson Audio Book Available, Biographic, Engaging Society's Pain, LGBTQ+, Women, Sexuality Alec Seekins
Holy Roar: 7 Words That Will Change the Way You Worship, Chris Tomlin, Darren Whitehead Audio Book Available, Big Impact Easy Read, Worship Ryan Romeo
Beautiful Resistance: The Joy of Conviction in a Culture of Compromise, Jon Tyson Audio Book Available, Build Courageous People, Engaging Society's Pain, Evangelism, Missions, God's Glory on Display Alec Seekins, Ryan Romeo
The Intentional Father: A Practical Guide to Raise Sons of Courage and Character, Jon Tyson Men, Parenting, Audio Book Available, Build Courageous People Alec Seekins, Ryan Romeo
A Creative Minority: Influencing Culture Through Redemptive Participation, Jon Tyson, Heather Grizzle Audio Book Available, Build Courageous People, Engaging Society's Pain, Evangelism, Missions, God's Glory on Display Alec Seekins, Ryan Romeo
The Burden Is Light: Liberating Your Life from the Tyranny of Performance and Success, Jon Tyson Audio Book Available, Build Courageous People, Emotional/Mental Health, Spiritual Formation Ryan Romeo
Trusting God in the Darkness: A Guide to Understanding the Book of Job Biblical Studies, Build Courageous People, Emotional/Mental Health, Prayer, Spiritual Formation, Theology, Worship, Commentary The Book of Job Ryan Romeo
Only God Could Heal Me: My Journey from Lou Gehrig's Disease to a Second Life, Chris Schoenleb Biographic, Build Courageous People, Emotional/Mental Health, Supernatural, Living Streams Author Alec Seekins, David Stockton
Keep Your Love On: Connection Communication And Boundaries, Danny Silk Audio Book Available, Emotional/Mental Health, Forgiveness, Marriage, Parenting
Jesus Through Middle Eastern Eyes: Cultural Studies in the Gospels, Kenneth E. Bailey Audio Book Available, Biblical Studies, Commentary, Theology Alec Seekins
Women Who Risk: Secret Agents for Jesus in the Muslim World ,Tom Doyle, JoAnn Doyle Audio Book Available, Biographic, Build Courageous People, Missions, Women, Supernatural, Honor & Shame, God's Glory on Display Alec Seekins
The Gift of Being Yourself: The Sacred Call to Self-Discovery (The Spiritual Journey), David G. Benner Audio Book Available, Emotional/Mental Health, Spiritual Formation Philippians Ryan Romeo
Resilient: Restoring Your Weary Soul in These Turbulent Times, John Eldredge Audio Book Available, Emotional/Mental Health, Spiritual Formation Philippians Alec Seekins
The Letters to the Galatians and Ephesians (New Daily Study Bible) by William Barclay Biblical Studies, Commentary Galatians Jeff Gokee, Ryan Romeo, Alec Seekins
The Letters to the Philippians, Colossians, and Thessalonians William Barclay Biblical Studies, Commentary Philippians Jeff Gokee, Ryan Romeo, Alec Seekins
Switch On Your Brain: The Key to Peak Happiness, Thinking, and Health, Dr. Caroline Leaf Audio Book Available, Emotional/Mental Health, Secular, Philippians Ryan Romeo
Are You Really OK?: Getting Real About Who You Are, How You're Doing, and Why It Matters, Debra K. Fileta Audio Book Available, Emotional/Mental Health, Philippians Ryan Romeo
Another Gospel?: A Lifelong Christian Seeks Truth in Response to Progressive Christianity Alisa Childers Audio Book Available, Apologetics Credo Ryan Romeo
Cold-Case Christianity: A Homicide Detective Investigates the Claims of the Gospels by J. Warner Wallace Apologetics, Audio Book Available, Big Impact Big Read, Engaging Society's Pain, Church History Credo Alec Seekins
Praying Like Monks, Living Like Fools by Tyler Staton Audio Book Available, Devotional, Prayer, Spiritual Formation, Worship Prayer & Fasting Ryan Romeo, Alec Seekins
Delighting in the Trinity: An Introduction to the Christian Faith, Michael Reeves Devotional, Worship, Spiritual Formation, Theology
The Prophets by Abraham J. Heschel Biblical Studies, Theology
Them Before Us: Why We Need a Global Children's Rights Movement Katy Faust Audio Book Available, Build Courageous People, Engaging Society's Pain, LGBTQ+, Men, Women, Parenting Alec Seekins, Ryan Romeo
The Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self: Cultural Amnesia, Expressive Individualism, and the Road to Sexual Revolution Carl R. Trueman Audio Book Available, Big Impact Big Read, Engaging Society's Pain, Evangelism, LGBTQ+, Missions, Church History Credo, Life Together Alec Seekins, Ryan Romeo
MonoThreeism: An Absurdly Arrogant Attempt to Answer All the Problems of the Last 2000 Years in One Night at a Pub by JD Lyonhart Apologetics, Audio Book Available, Theology, God's Glory on Display Dan Riccio, Alec Seekins
The Great Evangelical Recession: 6 Factors That Will Crash the American Church...and How to Prepare John S. Dickerson Engaging Society's Pain, Evangelism David Stockton
Life Together: The Classic Exploration of Christian in Community Dietrich Bonhoeffer Audio Book Available, Engaging Society's Pain, Spiritual Formation, Church Unity Life Together
Shame Interrupted: How God Lifts the Pain of Worthlessness and Rejection by Edward T. Welch Audio Book Available, Devotional, Build Courageous People, Emotional/Mental Health, Engaging Society's Pain, Forgiveness, Men, Women, Sexuality, Spiritual Formation, Honor & Shame Alec Seekins
Reclaiming Revival: Calling a Generation to Contend for Historic Awakening Paperback Corey Russell, Billy Humphrey Audio Book Available, Build Courageous People, Engaging Society's Pain, Evangelism, Prayer, Missions, Supernatural, God's Glory on Display David Stockton
Sacred Fire: A Vision for a Deeper Human and Christian Maturity by Ronald Rolheiser Devotional, Spiritual Formation, Worship The Gospel of Mark David Stockton
Atomic Habits- An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones, James Clear Audio Book Available, Big Impact Easy Read, Build Courageous People, Emotional/Mental Health, Men, Women, Secular, Spiritual Formation The Lord's Prayer Alec Seekins
Psalms: An Introduction and Commentary by Tremper Longman III Biblical Studies, Commentary Psalms of Ascent Ryan Romeo
Overcoming My Problem With Anger by Kurt Cotter Devotional, Emotional/Mental Health, Living Streams Author, Men, Spiritual Formation, Alec Seekins
Little Lion Lungs by Brandon Lake, Brittany Lake Children's Books,
Don't Forget to Remember by Ellie Holcomb Children's Books,
God Made You to Be You, Jamie Ivey, Tama Fortner Children's Books,
Christmas Is Coming!, Tama Fortner Children's Books,
The Jesus Storybook Bible: Every Story Whispers His Name Hardcover, Sally Lloyd-Jones Children's Books,
Psalm 23: A Colors Primer, Danielle Hitchen Children's Books,
Easter Is Coming!, Tama Fortner Children's Books,
What Are Hands For?, Abbey Wedgeworth Children's Books,