Time to Humble Ourselves

At 2:29 am on Christmas morning I sensed the Spirit of God breaking into my sleep world with something He wanted to tell me. The message delivered sounded heavy and alarming, but there was no worry or angst in the delivery. In fact, I would say the feeling I was experiencing in the midst of that moment was anticipation and hope.

At first, I wondered if it was all brought on by the adrenaline from Christmas Eve services coupled with 2:00 am fatigue. But since that day I have processed some more and received some confirmation from some trusted advisors. Adding to that the news coming out of Iran, I feel it would be good for me to share it with you.

The message I received was in the same vein as the message of “40 days ‘til judgment” that Jonah preached to the Ninevites.

Again, please remember the message was not intended to strike fear in me, but to make me aware and prepared for the opportunities that would be presenting themselves. Here is the message…

A shaking is coming to America if we do not humble ourselves before God. We have this year to humble ourselves and repent.

If we do not humble ourselves, the shaking will be economic in nature. It will include the violence of war, but not traditional war. Public shootings, school shootings, terrorism, and new advanced forms of technology will cause massive shaking. 

We as a church should not fear or worry. We should prepare for the shaking by gathering in our resources so we can minister boldly and generously in this time of shaking. We should look at it as if all the blessing God has given us in recent years has been intended to sustain us and advance His kingdom during the season of shaking judgment. 

After I wrote all this down I began praying for our leaders. I prayed that, like Pharaoh in Joseph’s day, Jesus would give President Trump and our leaders troubling and disturbing dreams so that one of His disciples could interpret it for them. I prayed for Vice President Pence to have courage, boldness, humility, strength, and favor. I prayed that he would know that he is in position for such a time as this. 

I really believe that God is calling me, and those I help lead, to be aware and be prepared for a shaking that is coming over the next few years. We should not be afraid. We should be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, and faithful in prayer. We need to humble ourselves and encourage those in our circles to humble themselves as well. We need to intercede fervently for our leaders and our nation to humble themselves, as well. It may be that a true wave of humility could dissipate the judgment that is on its way. 

And if the shaking does come, we need to be looking for opportunities to serve people and share Christ’s love with people; because when people feel their world shaking, they will look for some strong foundations and strong shelter. In Christ Jesus, we have the firmest foundation and He has been the strongest shelter for every generation.

So, there are some happy new year thoughts for you.

All the more reason to participate with our prayer and fasting season at Living Streams. You can get more details about that here: .https://www.livingstreams.org/fasting

By His grace and for His glory, 


David Stockton

David Stockton is the lead pastor at Living Streams Church in Phoenix, Arizona.


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