Ending 2019 With a Bang

My 2019 ended with a wow, a whoa, boom, and a bang. (Because I love fireworks almost all of my years end with a bang.)  
On December 24, I was amazed to see our Living Streams sanctuary so full, and still filling, as our 4:00 pm Christmas Eve service began. By the time the service was underway every seat was filled, people were standing against the side walls, and—sad to say—a number of people left because there was “no room in the inn.” Fire code allows for 1,000 people in the sanctuary, and we recorded 997 people in the building.

On the one hand, I was saddened because I figure some of the people who did not stay were people who had a lot of difficulty even deciding to go to church in the first place. But, on the other hand, I was thrilled to know our people love their church so much they made sure they and their loved ones experienced Christmas Eve with their Living Streams family. Wow!
On December 25, Christmas morning came on strong at 6:00 am and, because of my wife and her family's seriousness about Christmas morning, we did not finish the present-opening part until about noon. It is fun to witness, but for this non-morning, non-gift person it is a lot to take in. Whoa!
On December 27, we said goodbye to our foster boys as we dropped them off at their mom’s house. They were with us for 18 months while their mom worked with DCS to get back on track and healthy. Reunification was the hope and it is very rare. We rejoice in that reality, but have been sorting out a number of other emotions, as our house feels very different now. Boom!
Then, On December 31, I went into the secret stash I have in my closet and pulled out the fireworks I had been saving since last summer, when we purchased them in New Mexico. The excitement and danger, the burning and exploding, and the bright beauty lighting up the dark backdrop seemed to express well the sentimental feeling that a year of fostering, family and faith had left us with. Bang!  
This year, I pray you get to do more of the good things you like to do and less of the angry, selfish, and prideful things you do not like that you do.
By His grace and for His glory,

David Stockton

David Stockton is the lead pastor at Living Streams Church in Phoenix, Arizona.


Time to Humble Ourselves


2020 Here We Come