David Stockton is the lead pastor at Living Streams Church in Phoenix, Arizona. These posts are previews of his upcoming sermons, and sometimes his musings on current events.

David Stockton David Stockton

Ask Someone

Thanks for reading this. I hope you are well. I also hope that you will stop reading this for one minute and text or call someone and invite them to church on Sunday.  Did you do it? If you did, keep reading. If you didn’t, keep reading—and maybe I can convince you.

Thanks for reading this. I hope you are well. I also hope that you will stop reading this for one minute and text or call someone and invite them to church on Sunday. 
Did you do it? If you did, keep reading. If you didn’t, keep reading—and maybe I can convince you.
This Sunday we will kick off our Christmas season with a teaching on Joy. Everyone could use a little more of that. The next three Sundays we will be teaching on Peace, Hope, and Love. And everyone could use a little more of those, as well. 
I imagine there are some people in your contacts list that are currently living without the light and warmth that a relationship with Jesus brings. You may even be spending Thanksgiving with them. Remember, the Christmas season is a time when people are willing to give church another shot. Actually, studies show that around 80% of people who don’t go to church said they would go if invited. Those are some pretty good odds. 
I know it can be a little scary to ask someone. I know it can complicate your own Sunday morning experience. I also know that church is not the only way someone can come to know Jesus. But I believe it can help. I believe Jesus desires us to leave the ninety-nine and go after the one. I believe, “… there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent.” 
So, now will you stop reading, and text or call someone?  Let’s see if we can give heaven a reason to party. 
Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours,
p.s. If you do ask someone, send me a quick email about how it goes. I am interested to hear. 

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