Questions and Answers

First, a little journalism for you: 

On Monday, June 29, Governor Ducey and his COVID-19 task force held a press conference. Ducey stated that, in the face of COVID-19, his top priority is to “minimize gatherings and congregating.” He said, “Arizonans, by and large, have been terrific, fantastic, and responsible” regarding the recommendations given by his task force. “Yet,” he went on to say, “we have found some situations and categories where we need to take more aggressive actions.” He then explained his new executive order to pause the operations of bars, gyms, movie theaters, water parks, and tubing for the next thirty days. 

For the next forty minutes the governor’s task force made it clear—by sharing facts and their professional perspectives—that Arizonans are safest at home, that we need to be responsible, and that social distancing and face masks have made a difference in minimizing the spread of COVID-19. 

After the talk, Ducey opened the floor for reporters to ask questions. To my joy and surprise, the very first question asked was, “Does the executive order’s recommendation that public gatherings be limited to fifty or less apply to religious gatherings or churches?” (Couldn’t have asked it better myself!) Ducey’s response was that the executive order was written specifically for public gatherings and for places of business. When pressed further on the question of whether it applied to church gatherings or political rallies, Ducey said, “The Constitution remains the supreme law of the land in Arizona.” 

Now, for the questions that are bouncing around in my brain:  

  • What does Jesus want us at Living Streams to do?  

  • How important is an on-campus and in-person Sunday morning gathering at Living Streams Church?  

  • Can we execute a meaningful in-person gathering while maintaining a limited capacity, social distancing, face masks, and the safety of congregants?  

  • What does our staff think we should do?  

  • What do our elders think we should do?  

  • What strategy would best strengthen and unite our church family for the rest of this year as we face divisions from COVID-19, racism, politics, and the all the other challenges that sin’s dark shadow casts upon us? 

Here is my answer to those questions. Are you ready for it? Are you prepared to be so impressed with the wisdom and clarity I am about to drop on you? Are you sitting down? Have you gathered your family around for this epic moment? Do you have pen and paper ready? 

I don’t have an answer.  

According to the Cambridge Dictionary, the top two definitions of the word “answer” are (1) “a reaction to a question" and (2) “a solution to a problem.” So, if you are looking for an answer that is “a solution to the problem,” I have nothing. If you are looking for my reaction to those questions, I do have this: 

This week I asked Jesus to tell me what He wants me to do, and I believe He responded with, “I don’t want to tell you what to do. I want to see what you are going to do.” (That threw me off a bit!)  

Strangely enough, I think that was exactly what I needed to hear. It freed me from worrying so much about being imperfect or making a wrong decision. It made me want to try some stuff and be bold and generous. In some ways we all know what Jesus wants us to do. He wants us to put God above everything, and to love others more than ourselves. He wants us to do something that requires faith when we are afraid. He wants us to do something generous when we are feeling greedy. He wants us to be a unifying force in the face of harmful division, taking up a fight against injustice. 

With that in mind, I started thinking that we should open up our campus for the homeless in Sunnyslope during the month of July. I thought we should get something going for kids during the first two weeks of August, since their return to school has been delayed. We should plan a job fair at the end of August, since people are losing their jobs and the increased unemployment money is scheduled to end soon.  

I would love to hear what faith-filled, generous, uniting, and injustice-fighting ideas you have right now. I would love to know how Living Streams can come alongside you and your idea and help bring it to pass. So please send me some of your ideas.  

Jesus is watching us with joyful anticipation of what we are going to do. 

God bless, 


p.s. We are having an all-church online congregational meeting next Thursday. Our direction team will be sharing plans and vision for the rest of this year, and you will have the opportunity to submit your questions. Please make it a priority to join us Thursday, July 9, 6:30pm at  

David Stockton

David Stockton is the lead pastor at Living Streams Church in Phoenix, Arizona.


150 Days and Counting


A Moment to Unwind