It's Better to Try and Fail

First, a few words from Kanye:

I woke up this morning, I said my prayers
I'm all good, then I tried to talk to my dad 
Give him some advice, he starts spazzin' on me
I start spazzin' back, he said "That ain't Christ-like"
I said, "Aaaaagghh"

The struggle is real. It’s very rare for someone to actually notice and tell you that you are being Christlike. But when you’re trying to be Christlike, it’s very common for people to tell you you’re not being Christlike. Somehow our society sees it as better to not even try to be Christlike at all, than to try to be Christlike and not get it right all the time. When this happens I want to scream with Kanye: “Aaaagghh!”

  • True Christlikeness is the actual goal of Christianity.

  • True Christlikeness is and always will be the remedy for our ailing world. 

  • True Christlikeness was God’s goal in creating humanity in the first place.

So, what is true Christlikeness?

One of my friends says being like Christ is being a “non-anxious presence in the world.” It would be great if Christians became that in their homes, workplaces and all the in-between activities.  

Another way I have heard Jesus described is, “love in the flesh.” It would be wonderful if Christians became that in their relationships, and in the pockets of society where pain, fear and injustice seem to reign. 

As for us at Living Streams, we are currently spending time unpacking the way “” describes the heart of Jesus. True greatness, or true Christlikeness, is having a humble heart, a servant heart, a grateful heart, and a generous heart.  

So, how can my soul be formed to be more Christlike? 

In John 15 Jesus made it very simple for us. He said, “If you abide in me and my words abide in you, you will bear much fruit.” So, basically, if you want to be more like Christ, then you spend time with Christ. As you spend time with Christ, you will find yourself being formed and shaped by the words of Christ. The next thing you know, you will be living and loving more like Christ. In the process of time, you will most assuredly fail, or fall short. However, it is truly better for you—and for our world—that you try and fail, rather than to not try at all. 

  • If you want to become a more non-anxious presence, then spend time with the Prince of Peace.

  • If you want to become more loving in your relationships, then spend time with Jesus, who is love.

  • If you want to be more humble, helpful, grateful, and generous, spend time with the Servant of All, who gave it all for you and me.


David Stockton

David Stockton is the lead pastor at Living Streams Church in Phoenix, Arizona.


Christmas and Finances


A Beautiful Heart