April Showers Bring May...?

We have all heard "April showers bring May flowers." Right now the question is: What does a church quarantined for the month of April bring? My firm belief is that it will bring fields “ripe for harvest.”

Jesus told His disciples to open their eyes and see the fields that were ready to harvest. Let us make sure this is a month where the “priesthood of all believers” shows up strong. Let us make sure this month we reach out to a shaken world, knowing we have been equipped for every good work.  And let us make sure this is a month where we share our fear-conquering faith with those who are afraid. Please know there are few things that please Jesus more than when you tell others about Him. 
At the same time we focus in on the good works Jesus wants us to do this month, I want you to consider your pace of life. Right now our nation has slowed down quite a bit. In our anxiety and fear we can find ourselves getting wound up and overworked.

In stressful times, there is a tendency to become manic trying to protect ourselves or to get ahead. I don’t think this is the right response. As believers we should downshift a bit. We, as efficient-producer and incessant-consumer Americans, have long been in fifth gear, racing full steam ahead. It is hard for us to downshift, but I think it is the right response. Slow down enough to enjoy your family and friends. Slow down to make room for home school. Slow down to hear God’s still, small voice. Slow down enough to reach out to people who don’t know Jesus. Then, when the quarantine days end, we will be renewed and ready for what’s next. 
Two weeks ago we received the “15 Days to Stop the Spread” plan from our government officials. They have now extended it through April 30. In response, Living Streams is launching an April plan we’re calling “30 Days to Get Ready for the Harvest.”

Our plan consists of three different aspects. We want to help everyone:
Resist greed, worry, and fear;
help people be reconciled to God and each other; and
help our church get in position to be generous.

Here is how that breaks down and how you can join in:

Resist Greed, Worry, and Fear

  • Live streaming Prayer & Worship (Mon.-Fri. 12pm-1pm) 

  • Live streaming Worship Services (Sunday morning services 8:30, 10, 11:30am, & 6pm throughout April)

  • Relational Connection Calls to Congregation (You can also call the church at 602-957-7500)

  • Go Live Content to help in Quarantine (Follow us on Facebook and Instagram @livingstreamschurch)

  • Mental Health Symposium / Panel (End of April) (Details to come)

Be Reconciled to God and Each Other

  • Commit ourselves to evangelism

  • Teach on “Sharing Your Faith” in our Sunday Services

  • Gather Evangelists for a Zoom call to pray and plan (Let us know if that is you.)

  • Have a gospel message and response after each live-streamed service

  • Encourage our congregation to share teachings with non-believers

Get in Position to Be Generous

  • Maintain and Expand our Food Pantry (Email us to volunteer)

  • Daycare for Essential Needs Workers (Email us to volunteer)

  • Expand Campus Use (Daycare Ministry, Hospital Beds, Hotspots for Homeless (Email us to volunteer)

  • Pastor on Call 9am-3:30pm | Mon – Thurs)

  • Assemble Benevolence Team to process needs (Click here to give)

  • Wise Budgeting Practices (Click here to give)

  • Connect people in need with those willing to help  (Click here for Need Connect)

If you are still reading this, thank you! 

The commitment of our Living Streams family has been awesome. I really miss being together in person with all of you. Gathering in tough times is one of our faith’s superpowers, and it does not feel good to have this separation.

Thank you also for all the online participation. We have seen our numbers skyrocket. We've had new online connections with people who do not normally go to church. We have also heard good responses from families enjoying church together in their homes. It is so good for us parents to step up and take responsibility for our family's faith! 
To finish, I want you to picture what it is going to be like when we can all be together again in person. We are going to have a serious party and celebrate with abandon. I pray the way we live in this month will cause people who don’t know Jesus to join us for the great party on the other side. And when I write other side, I mean both the great church party on the other side of this quarantine and the great church party on the other side of eternity. Jesus has been preparing that one for 2,000 years. 
Peace to you and yours,

David Stockton

David Stockton is the lead pastor at Living Streams Church in Phoenix, Arizona.


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