More Time at Home

All right, my friends, it’s time to gear up for another fifteen days of staying at home. Governor Ducey announced yesterday that the stay-at-home plan has been extended through May 15 for Arizona. Oy vey.

I was not expecting the governor to give the "all clear" and reopen everything; but I was hoping for a little step in that direction. I was hoping some furloughed people could go back to work. I was hoping we could start doing some very small gatherings at church. I was hoping I could play basketball again. But, instead, we isolate and stay home awhile longer.

In the grand scheme of things, another couple of weeks is super small. And since I believe God is always at work and on the move, there must be something we have not found, or have not done yet. Maybe there is something to the reports about the nature part of our world getting some healing during this time. Maybe all the family time is doing some good work in us, even if it may be hard work. Maybe some of our idols are being found out and torn down. Maybe people are turning to Jesus in a special way. Or maybe God knew we all needed a break from the media’s incessant focus on the dirty laundry of our president and presidential hopefuls before we get closer to November’s election.

I know many at our church had an increase in anxiety when Covid-19 first showed up, but are now feeling an overall decrease in anxiety. The staying home restrictions have counteracted the stress brought on by our frantic, American pace of life. I have been intrigued and amazed at how people are facing major health issues, and income-loss realities, with faith, hope, and love.

I have heard it takes sixty-six days to form a habit. Sixty-six days of doing the same thing and reacting the same way to form new neural pathways in our brains. Maybe sixty-six days is what we need. And since most of us didn’t really settle into this quarantined way of life right away, we may need about seventy-five days, which will get us to June 1.

I am not saying that God caused all of this, but I do know He is sovereign over all of this. His will, purposes and desires are always at work and always bring about good.

So, if we are almost through this, halfway through this, or just getting started, remember to: 

  • Resist greed, worry, and fear

  • Be reconciled to God and neighbor

  • Be radical with your generosity

This season calls for wisdom and prudence, and I believe God is also going to bring us opportunities for innovation and boldness. Look for those, and go for it—full of faith that God is in control and makes beautiful things out of ashes.


P.S. For the Living Streams Family, we will continue to do church exclusively online through May 15. Please continue to carve out devoted time on Sunday mornings to join us for our online service. And please continue to reach out to your pastors, life group leaders, and those God is putting on your heart.

David Stockton

David Stockton is the lead pastor at Living Streams Church in Phoenix, Arizona.


Questions, Questions and More Questions. (When Will We ReOpen the Church?)


Just Passing Through