With Just a Whisper

The more difficult the situation, the more nuanced the dilemma, the more unclear what justice is, the more thankful I am for the indwelling Spirit of God and the library of Scriptures.

God knew sin would distort everything. He told Adam and Eve not to eat of the tree because it would cause death to come. He knew sin would cause us to have disordered desires. He knew it would cause dads to want to leave, moms to want to cheat, and kids to deal with gender dysphoria and diverse sexual attractions. God knew it would lead to racism and holocausts and genocides. He knew it would cause people to think they know better than God does, and to even deny that God exists. 

But instead of rejecting us and leaving us to our own devices, God, in His wisdom and grace, gives us everything we need to navigate this life and make it to resurrection life.

We must never forget that God paid our sin debt with the precious blood of His own Son.

We must never forget that God places His Spirit inside those who surrender to Him.

And we must never forget that God inspired people of old to write down an account of what they learned about God, what they heard God say, and what they saw God do. These accounts have been preserved as the Bible so we can learn from them and apply them whenever difficult dilemmas, nuanced cases, and questions of justice show up. And boy, do we have some of those things in our society and churches today. 

As my soul was feeling the squeeze of our cultural moment, this little poem came out of it. I hope it speaks to you in some encouraging way.

My mind is full 
My heart is hungry
But my feet are feeling meek 
My eyes are searching 
My soul is churning 
But my mouth fumbles to speak

So many are speaking with unclean lips 
With many things to teach 
The devil has a megaphone 
He gives a beautiful speech

Those with ears can’t help but hear
The onslaught is relentless 
Some succumb, some surrender 
Some resolve to stay restless

But way down deep and subtle as sleep
A voice is found by those who seek
It’s still and small but cuts through all 
The twisted lies they preach

With just a whisper innocence appears
And weary souls find care
In shadowed valleys paths light up
And truth and lie are laid bare 

Don’t worry or fret when the lions roar
Because these lions have no teeth
God’s word will stand 
His love sustain
Now is just part of His eternity

– David


David Stockton

David Stockton is the lead pastor at Living Streams Church in Phoenix, Arizona.


Four Things I Learned This Week


My Prayer