Church Around the Table

David Stockton
Series: Church Around the Table

Good morning, everybody. Thanks for talking to each other. Thanks to all the introverts for not leaving right away. I know it feels. 

We’re kicking off a new sermon series. Life Groups are kicking off this week. We’ve got over 300 people that are going to be hanging out a whole bunch in smaller group situations, in homes, around tables with snacks, and the word of God—partaking in raw authenticity, relentless encouragement, biblical counsel, and, hopefully, some genuine friendship—in a very crazy, disconnected, more connected than ever online world that we’re living in. I’m really excited about it. 

So, thanks to everyone who said, “Ok, we’ll give it a shot.” And thanks to all the people who are leading and inviting people into your home or wherever you’re going to meet. And more to come on that. It’s going to be great.

Yes, we are going to be going to three services, starting September 29. Your fault, not my fault, just so you know. I was doing just fine with two services. This is no problem. But then you guys just kept coming and doing all this stuff and bringing friends. It’s wonderful. We’re so excited. The Lord’s definitely leading us. It’s been our hope for years now. We really do believe that there is more room in the family here. We’ve got enough food in the cupboards and goodness coming out on the table. 

There are some more people that need to be here with us. Hopefully not necessarily people that are already going to other churches. There’s room for them there. But people who aren’t going to church. We’re really going to start diving into that a little bit. We spent time in Ephesians figuring out the vision for the Church. And now we’re going to figure out a little more of how we can practically walk this out in our Twenty-First Century world. 

Some of you are just killing it. Some of you are so awesome at this. Some of you are a little newer to the game. And some of you need to get back in the game, because you’ve been taking a break and it’s been like twelve years now. Breaks over, my friend. Get back in the game.

We did establish that this Sunday morning church concept is not what Christians do. This is just supposed to be a help for Christians to do what they’re supposed to do. Living Streams is an organization that does not have Jesus at the head of it. It’s true. We do our best to make sure the head of Living Streams, which is our elder board, is in line with the head of Jesus Christ. But, at the end of the day, it’s still kind of filtering through a board of elders and some pastors. We don’t get it right all the time. We’re an organization. We’re trying to create a house in our city. The organism of the Church, which is the real Church, is what Jesus died for. Jesus didn’t die for Living Streams. He died for the people who are his Church, that just so happen in this season of their life to be going to the organization of Living Streams.

Are we clear on this? We have to get this straight. We have taught people for too long the wrong way. Not on purpose, I don’t think. But we’re focused on a building. We’re focused on an organization. We’re focused on this church or that. The Church is the people of God who are trying to follow in the way of Jesus and he’s the head of them.

The Church, in that regard, the organism is the single most dominant force for good the world has ever seen—any time, any age, any place. No doubt about it. No on in their right mind can contest that.

We, as the leaders of the organization of Living Streams, we say, “Lord, what can we do? What are we lacking? How can we steer? How can we get better at housing this beautiful Bride, Body, Temple that you formed. That you died on the cross for, rose again for, gave your Spirit to? What can we do?” And that’s when we came up with this concept that we’re lacking in the church what’s supposed to happen outside of the church. That’s a very confusing phrase—especially when we’re dividing that word up. 

Basically, we’re lacking in the church what’s supposed to happen outside of our Sunday morning context. The Lord is wanting to raise a standard. He’s wanting to challenge us. He’s wanting to spur us on.  As he looks as assesses our church family, as it is, he’s saying, “You’re doing great in a lot of ways. But there’s one thing you lack.” Kind of like in the letters to the churches in Revelation. “I see all these good things, but there’s one thing you lack. You lack in the church that which is supposed to happen outside of the church.”

And so that’s our big push. Let’s go open our homes. Let’s do Life Groups. That’s a program, but it’s more than that. We’ve got to take a step back from that. When we see the book of Acts—and we’re going to dive into that the next two months—we’re going to try to get a picture of what this looked like in the book of Acts, and what this looked like in Church history. But I want us to take a step back, because I want us to get to the real core of what’s behind all of this. 

We’ve got to back to Jesus, right? We’ve got to go back to the life of Jesus. So we’re going to go to Luke 4 and we’re going to learn the way of Jesus once again. Many of you are familiar with this, you know all about it. But it’s always good for us to go back and remember the way that Jesus lived.

Before I do that, I just want to set a little tone. I wrote a poem this week. I’m not reading this poem because I think it’s so good, or whatever. I’m reading this poem that I wrote (which is a little embarrassing) because I just want you to get a little bit of a feel as to where this message is coming out of, as the Lord took me through a process of trying to teach me something that I could share with you. And so, here it is:

Is there a way through this consequential maze
So full of dangers, toils and snares
Physically drained and dying
Spiritual asleep and unaware

Is there a way through this relentless desert
So dry and cracked and parched
Physically wasting away
Emotionally dry and desensitized
Mentally weary in well doing
Spiritually hopeful but helpless

Is there a way through this oppressive society
So polluted and popular and poisonous
My body is to be worshipped
My desires are worthy of indulgence
My ideas are more valuable than yours
God loves me more than truth and justice

Is there a way? I don’t know.
Some days I am sure
Some days I can’t tell
Some days I just lie down, hopeless for a while

But today? Today I see Jesus
I see the trail His life, death and resurrection left behind

Today I choose to follow His way
So hard and rewarding and hard
Physically touching others’ wounds with tenderness
Emotionally pouring out sacrificial praise
Mentally being transformed by His words
Spiritually fighting to stay awake with anticipation

And that was the question that came to my heart as I wrestled with my own “stuff.” As I wrestled with stuff in my family. As I sat in a hospital room next to a drug addict that’s a good friend of mine and has been for a while. This is about his sixth or seventh time he’s been in the hospital with his life on the line. And I asked him, “Hey. Do you have any hope?” And he said, “Well, I don’t really know if now is the time to talk about that.” I was like, “I don’t know if you’ll have another chance to talk about it. I don’t know if there’s any better time in your entire life to talk about whether you have hope or not.” And then I just left it because he wanted to talk about something else. And he knows exactly what I would say.

Is there a way through this consequential maze that we call life and living? Jesus is someone who says there is. And Jesus is someone who says, “Actually, there’s only one way.” And Jesus is someone who says that he is the only way. 

In Luke 4, we’ll pick up there and we’ll get the start of this, where Jesus is coming on the scene. He’s just been baptized by John the Baptist. He’s living in a Roman-dominated, oppressive world, with an impoverished people, confused and beating each other up with religiosity. He’s been out in the wilderness for forty days, being tempted by the devil, which I’m sure was intense. And then he goes back home. He shows up to church in the synagogue on the Sabbath. He’s sitting there in church, and this is where we pick up in Luke 4:14

14 Jesus returned to Galilee in the power of the Spirit, and news about him spread through the whole countryside. 15 He was teaching in their synagogues, and everyone praised him.

16 He went to Nazareth, where he had been brought up, and on the Sabbath day he went into the synagogue, as was his custom. 

Jesus went to church, by the way.

He stood up to read, 17 and the scroll of the prophet Isaiah was handed to him. Unrolling it, he found the place where it is written:


“The Spirit of the Lord is on me,
    because he has anointed me
    to proclaim good news to the poor.
He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners
    and recovery of sight for the blind,
to set the oppressed free,


     to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.”

20 Then he rolled up the scroll, gave it back to the attendant and sat down. The eyes of everyone in the synagogue were fastened on him. 21 He began by saying to them, “Today this scripture is fulfilled in your hearing.”

Basically, Jesus is saying, “If any of you are asking if there’s a way  through the consequential maze of life, is there any chance that we can find freedom, good news, healing, favor, is there any chance at all that we might find that?”—Jesus said, “Well, I’m here to pave a way for that. The Scripture that you just heard today is fulfilled. I am now going to set a path before you. I’m going to chop through the jungle. I’m going to show you the way to all of those things.”

And immediately the people in his own home town said, “Pshh. Jesus. This guy’s crazy. I remember when he was a little kid. He fell over there and hurt his knee. I remember when he was over there and he got sick.” Whatever. They remember him growing up. And now he’s standing there saying he is the way. He’s going to pave the way to freedom, healing and life, goodness. And then he said to those people right after that, “And just like many prophets were not received in their own home town, I know you guys will not receive me. So I will go to other places and I will show them the way. Because you will not receive it.”

They got so mad they pushed him to the edge of the cliff and they were going to push him off to kill him. And then he walked right through them, the Bible says. He paved a way even through them. 

And then in Chapter 5, at that point he goes out to this place called Capernaum and he preaches to them and he says, “Bring to me anyone that is in those situations.” They bring them to him and he heals them and sets them free. He gives them hope. He tells them about God’s favor for them. It’s a wonderful thing.

Then, just after that, he calls some disciples to him. He goes out to the sea one day near Capernaum. There are these fishermen there. He says, “Hey, can I borrow your boat?” And they were like, “Whatever.” So he gets in the boat and they go out a little bit and he starts teaching the people. He’s giving them words of life. He’s teaching them what the Scriptures are really trying to say—who God is and what God requires. And the people are stirred and then, all of a sudden, the guy who is the boat, this guy named Simon Peter is there. He looks up after Jesus says what he has to say. Simon says, “Depart from me for I’m wicked. You don’t want to be around me, Jesus. You’ve got to go find someone else’s boat. This is a dirty boat.”

 And Jesus says, “If you follow me, if you get on this path that I’m carving, if you stick close with me, you’re going to be saying some real different things.”

And then we have the story of Peter beginning, and the other disciples as they followed in that path, they found all those things that Jesus had promised. And even more importantly, they began to be people who can pass those things on. 

Then, later on, it’s interesting, turn to Luke 7. There’s this moment where John the Baptist, the guy who was Jesus’ cousin, the guy who baptized Jesus, the guy who was kind of a forerunner for Jesus—he actually said that he was the guy who was supposed to prepare the way for the One who was coming that actually show us the way, that can make a way where there is no way. 

In verse 18:

18 John’s disciples told him about all these things. Calling two of them, 19 he sent them to the Lord to ask, “Are you the one who is to come, or should we expect someone else?”

20 When the men came to Jesus, they said, “John the Baptist sent us to you to ask, ‘Are you the one who is to come, or should we expect someone else?’”

“Are you the one that’s going to show us the way that can make a way where there is no way? Because at one point I kind of thought that, but now…” If you know John’s situation, he’s in prison and he’s about to lose his head because he was talking to the political leaders at that time, saying, “What you’re doing is not pleasing to God.” 

So John’s been in prison for a while and he’s wondering if Jesus cares. And it’s starting to make him wonder if Jesus really is the way. 

21 At that very time Jesus cured many who had diseases, sicknesses and evil spirits, and gave sight to many who were blind. 22 So he replied to the messengers, “Go back and report to John what you have seen and heard: The blind receive sight, the lame walk, those who have leprosy are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, and the good news is proclaimed to the poor. 23 Blessed is anyone who does not stumble on account of me.”

He basically says to him, “All of the things that were promised in the beginning are still showing up today as I’m carving this path and people are following this path, they’re receiving these things—this path of life, the path of the just that shines ever brighter to the perfect day.” And he’s saying, “John, I know you’re on this path and I want to say ‘blessed is anyone who does not falter or stumble or get off the path because I didn’t do what they thought I should do.’ I’m the one paving the way. You’re the one following, John. Follow me and you will see all of these things come to pass.”

And then he continues to pave that way. We read at the Scriptures. We have the stories. We have four different accounts in this Bible of all that Jesus did, all that he stirred up with his words and his power, with his love, and with his death and resurrection.

Many of us in this room have said, “Okay. All right Jesus. There are lots of people telling me they know the way, but they’re all dead and they stayed dead. But Jesus, you’re the one that said you knew the way, died and then conquered death. I think I’m going your way.”

And we’ve been following this way, for whatever reason. We’ve been going down this path and we’ve been able to experience some freedom, some healing, some favor, some grace, some of the things that Jesus has promised. 

I’ve asked Pastor Kurt to start categorizing and cataloging all of the signs that we’re seeing in our midst right here in our church. He just sent me an email. There are so many wondrous things happening. People actually getting physically healed at the Men’s Retreat, in our Sunday morning services, other places. If you’re like me and you’re like, “Oh, you’re just saying these things. I need to talk to the person it happened to.” Feel free. I’m sure they would be happy to tell you. Come talk to me. Come talk to Kurt. Kurt - stand up and do a little circle.

I’m not joking. I’m as skeptical as anybody. Come talk to us. We’ll take you to the people that have actually experienced healing and you can determine whether you think they’re true or not. We’re not trying to make something up or trying to exaggerate. I mean it’s true. We are experiencing this stuff. Two Sundays ago, you guys saw. We had a bunch of people get baptized up here. And right before that we had all these people raise their hands to say, “I need to follow Jesus.” And they are experiencing life. 

Again, that’s why somehow we’ve got to get together so we can hear each other’s stories. The reason most of the people are in this room is because they can say, “Absolutely, without a doubt. Jesus in my life—different.” No doubt about it. Whether it’s some supernatural, miraculous thing, or it’s more deep, spiritual work—or both. That’s what this is all about. This is not built on some sort of idea or some guru. This is built on tangible, practical, signs and wonders of the Spirit of God showing up. That Jesus is not dead in a grave somewhere. He is alive and on the move. Maybe, just maybe, we’re getting to see true revival happening right here. We’re going to talk more about that. 

But John the Baptist—“Stick with the program, don’t fall on account of me.” Jesus is telling him he is the way. Jesus is basically trying to teach him that, “I am paving the way. I know the way. I’m going to go the full distance. If you can follow my way, though it’s hard—rewarding and hard—you will get to see the life of God. The life God intended. You will get to taste the kingdom of heaven even in this life, prior to the next.”

This is the word and promise of Jesus Christ that has been spreading throughout the world. And then there’s this culmination which brings us to Church Around the Table. There was this culmination at the end of Jesus’ life. As he had gathered his followers.—and there were about 120 at one point and now there were only twelve that had committed their lives to following the way of Jesus. Because it’s hard. 

And there were only twelve left in this upper room, as Jesus calls them to have a little time of church around table, a little time of fellowship around a table, a little time of raw authenticity, relentless encouragement, biblical counsel, and genuine friendship around a table. Jesus, when he is spending his last night on earth, decides to make a powerful statement for all of us. The most valuable thing you can do is church around the table.

Jesus gathers his people together. There are twelve of them there plus Jesus. One of them is not going to work out so well. And he’s there having a meal with them. He said, “I have so longed to share this meal with you. This has been the day, the moment that I have been planning and hoping for this entire ministry life that I’ve had, these last three years. This really is the culmination. This is a precious, important moment. I don’t want you to miss this. 

And he broke bread, and he said, “This is my body which I am giving to you.” And they didn’t understand the full ramification of what that meant in that moment. They just thought, “Yeah. Jesus is for us. He’s with us. He loves us. He’s given so much to us.” 

But Jesus was speaking of more than that. He’s actually saying his body was going to be pierced and broken on a cross so that they could be set free from the wrath of God. And they received this. And Jesus said, “Do this often, in remembrance of me. Whenever you eat, remember me. Remember that your fellowship is not just with each other, but I am there as well. And just as I gave myself to you, I want you to give yourself to one another. I want you to find people that you will give yourself to in a sacrificial way—just as I found you and gave myself to you.”

And then he said, “This is my blood which is going to be poured out to cover you.” And we understand that it’s his blood, that sacrifice that actually covers our sins because he was sinless and we aren’t. But, still, the impartation is there. He gathers these people together and says, “I will give all of me to you—my body and my blood, poured out for you. And I want you to go and do the same. To gather some people around your table and love them so much so that you could say with all honesty, ‘This body is for you. Anything you need, I will give you. This blood that flows through my veins—I will pour it out for you so that you could know the love of the Father.’” 

This is discipleship. This is the call of the Church. This is the call of you. That’s why you can’t have hundreds of them. That’s why it’s a joke for me to think I’m pastoring all of you guys. Here is my body. It’s like three people would get it and the rest of you would be starving to death. Here is my blood. I want to give you everything. Most of you would just be broke and miserable. Because I don’t have that much. But I have enough for a few. And guess what? You have enough for a few, as well. You have enough for a few.

What I love about Jesus’ life is that, Jesus, when he came to world, knowing all of the problems in the world, all of the poor, all of the injustice, all of the rape, murder, all of the lying, stealing…Jesus knew about all of that. And you know what he did to solve all of those problems? He gathered some people around him and loved them with everything in him, and then asked them to go do the same thing.

What kind of strategy is that? It’s Jesus’. It’s God’s strategy. I will not give my body and blood for Living Streams Church, this organization. Sometimes it feels like it. But there are some people in my life that I’ll give everything for, and I’m supposed to. The more I give to them, the more the Lord pours right back into me. 

I want us to understand. It’s not just Church around the table, Church around the communion table, Church around whatever table. For me, in my life, it’s been a little different from that. It’s been Church around food stamps. It’s been Church in a 15-passenger van. It’s been Church in different ways like that. Church in my own home with foster boys or a friend of mine that needed a year to get stable. 

For Jesus it was Church in a boat. Remember? He was with Peter and he was doing his sermon, but Jesus was like, “Bam. Ha ha. Got you. You just heard the message. Now you’re saying you’re dirty. You’re getting the message. Come on. Let’s do this thing.” 

And that guy that was so dirty, that wanted nothing to do with Jesus, but just had a little Church time in the boat with him, was at the table with him on his last night. And that guy right there got the message so well that, after Jesus died on the cross, he went and lived as Jesus. When you read the stories about Peter after Jesus’ death and resurrection, it’s really hard to tell the difference sometimes. Is this a story about Jesus—or a story about Peter?

And then, in the end, Peter decided that Jesus is so worthy, I don’t want to die the same way he did. Because he was crucified as well, but he decided that he wanted to do it upside down, as he gave his body and his blood for Jesus and the ones that he was called to love.

I’m sorry if you came to church this morning for a little “pick up.” I really am. It’s my birthday, though, so you have to deal with it. You get away with so much more on your birthday. You’re like, birthday card. Oh, I’m sorry I was a jerk to you. BIrthday card! You know? You’ve got one day to do it all. 

But Church in a boat. You know, Jesus had Church in all kinds of places. Church on the side of a hill. Church in a garden. Church here, Church there. Jesus had Church everywhere. For me, when I said Church around the food stamps, I remember this guy, Jason Biel. I was seventeen years old, my senior year of high school, and he was twenty years old and had a wife and a kid.  Seemed a little quick to me. I just thought he was fun. And he cared so much about me. I don’t know why. He just really wanted to make sure I knew he Jesus was, knew that I knew the love of Jesus, felt the love of Jesus, knew that God had a plan for my life, knew that there was this path that, if I would walk on it, it would be hard and rewarding and hard, and knew that, if I walked on these other paths it would be like, meh, and then death—vanity.

I remember one time we were in line. He would just hang out with me. He’d pick me up and take me around. He’d set up all these adventures we’d go on. Then one time we were in a grocery store. I remember he had his kid, and he was buying some weird stuff like baby stuff. I had never seen it before. I was seventeen years old. Then, all of a sudden, he started to act a little strange as he’s in the little ticket line. I was standing behind him and then, he kind of pulled some stuff out and he handed it across, and he was kind of looking down.

My dad was a doctor. I had never seen food stamps. But when he did it, I wouldn’t have known what it was, except for the kind of feeling he was having. I thought, “Oh, those are food stamps. Oh, he must feel like I think less of him because he’s on food stamps.” But it was the exact opposite. I thought, “Here’s a guy that’s doing everything he can to take care of his family, but yet he still has time for me, to care about my life, to teach me guitar, to take me on all these weekend adventures with some Christian deal, to just pray for me and care for me and ask me all these questions about my life and what I’m going to do.” He showed me a path and made me want to know Jesus.

Later on, I remember I had just graduated high school and I had some plans for my life. I thought I was pretty cool. And this guy said, “Hey, you’ve got nothing to do this week (because I talked to your parents). I have to go to Mexico with this group of high schoolers and make sure they’re doing okay. But ultimately, I have to go steal a boat that my brother left at a gas station down there, because this guy won’t give him the boat back.”

And I was like, “I’m in. I don’t know what you said before ‘steal a boat’ but I’m in.”

This guy was a pastor and this was his job as a pastor that week, I guess. I didn’t know you could do that as a pastor. We’re driving down and he’s telling me all about Jesus, telling me all this good stuff, teaching me all of these things. We stayed the night probably a mile away from this gas station where they had to leave the boat because the trailer broke. And he’s like, “Okay, well someone needs to stay awake the whole night. I’ll take the first the shift, then my brother.”

I was eighteen and they were older. They were going to cover it. I woke up one time and everyone was asleep. And there were cars driving by and we’re deep in Mexico. I’m just like, “We’re going to die!”

And then the next morning, right before the sun came up, we went over and got this whole boat and trailer onto a flatbed trailer. We would jack it and then push it until the jack fell over. Jack it, push it. It was the most ridiculous, dumb thing in the world. But I remember, as soon as we got that on the thing, he was like, “Get in!”

Boom. We took off running. Then, as we were driving out, the owner of the station was driving in and he was like, “Whoa!” And we were out of there. And he was telling me a little more about Jesus and he was praying for me. And I thought, “Okay. Church in a 15-passenger van down in Mexico. This is legit.”

I thought, “You know what? I’m interested in who Jesus is and what he does with a person’s life.” And it was shortly after that when Jesus came to me himself and said, “Do you want to do  what you have in mind for your life or do you want to see what I have planned?” And it was over. I’ve been very interested in his plans ever since. And so much has shown up in my life, there’s no other way to explain it, except Jesus.

Then there’s this other story about a guy named Jan Tyranowski. We’ll finish with this. Pope John Paul II. He was Pope, by the way. He tells a story about a moment in his life when he had Church in the apartment of a shoemaker, of a tailor. I just love this quote so much. This is the call. We’re supposed to have Church around our table, no doubt, but we’re supposed to have Church everywhere we go. This is just supposed to be a little pep talk, you know? A little encouragement. And even this, you know? Create a little space here. Some people in this room are barely hanging on right now. And you could just come and wrap your arms around them. 

This is what John Paul II said about his Church in the tailor’s apartment. This guy, Jan Tyranowski. And I’m praying that every single person at Living Streams will change their name to Jan at some point. I want this so badly for us because this is Jesus.

He was one of those unknown saints, hidden among the others like a marvelous light at the bottom of life, at a depth where night usually reigns…In his words, in his spirituality and in the example of a life given to God alone, he represented a new world that I did not yet know. I saw the beauty of a soul opened up by grace.

This is Jesus’ dream for your life, that there would be people, maybe just ten or eleven, that would say these words. They’d say, “I know who that is. That’s George. That’s Sarah. When I hear that quote my mind immediately goes to…this person.” Because that’s what Jesus has been for us. 

What I wrote down is:

I think we all need to find a Christian luminary and learn. Then we need to become a Christian luminary and share our lives and, ultimately, focus on someone who is not a Christian, until they become a Christian luminary. That was the way of Jesus. That’s the way Jesus taught us to do Church.

Let’s pray. We’ll take a moment now and be quiet before the Lord. We really do believe that Jesus is alive and that his Spirit moves among his people—that, if two or more are gathered in his name, his presence is there. We believe the Bible teaches that God loves to speak to people, whether they know him or not, whether they got it right this morning or not. So we just want to stop for a moment and see what God might say to us. It can be something about the message, or it could be something totally different.

Jesus, I don’t know exactly how you did it, but you were able to take those fishermen and make them into fishers of men. Lord, they were able to follow in your path and bring healing—true healing, and freedom—true freedom and love to people. Lord, I just ask that, first, everyone in this room would know that this is something that you want to do with them. That you are faithful. You are the Author and Perfecter of our faith. That you’ve taken it upon yourself to be that for every person that would follow you. And you’ve given us your Spirit, that, if we choose to follow you, we actually can receive your Spirit as a guide, as a strength, as a comfort. Jesus, I pray that anyone in this room that does not have your Spirit living inside of them, that today they would ask and you would give. And they would know that this is not something you want them to do in their own strength and wisdom, but something you want to partner with them for. 

If you haven’t received the Spirit of God, if you haven’t said, “Jesus, I want you to be the Lord of my life,” I just encourage you, in this moment, to say those words out loud. God is listening and he is ready if you’re ready.

Jesus, I do pray that you would teach us your ways, that you would keep us from getting distracted or side-tracked by the stuff in our own hearts and minds, let alone in our world, that your voice would always come through loud and clear. We thank you that you are our teacher, you are our guide, Jesus. I pray that we would fix our eyes on you and we would follow your path. We pray it in Jesus’ name. Amen.

©️2019 Living Streams Church

7000 N Central Avenue ∙ Phoenix AZ 85020 ∙ 602-957-7500 ∙

Scripture is taken from Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright © 1996, 2004, 2015 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.


Jesus' Table


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