Read Chapters 9–11 of Intercessory Prayer before beginning this study.
According to Dutch Sheets, intercession involves two distinctly different activities—reconciling and separating. These two concepts lay the foundation for a Biblical perspective on spiritual warfare. 2 Corinthians 10 teaches us that we have been given these specific weapons to use in our fight against the powers of darkness. Through our waiting upon the Lord in the place of worship, we will see strongholds demolished. In this fight, you must remember that He has already won the victory. He will teach us how to defeat our enemies if we remain faithful to spending time with Him, rather than chasing after the devil (Psalm 18:34). We have been given power, as well as authority in Christ to overcome our enemies. Our battle is not with God—we do not “wrestle with God” in prayer. Instead, we wage war upon the forces of darkness.
Read Ephesians 6:12 with your small group. Discuss the implications of this verse on spiritual warfare in the form of intercession.
Have you ever thought of worship as an act of spiritual warfare? Discuss this concept in your small group. (Open your Bible to the Psalms if you want to see some great examples of spiritual warfare through worship!)
Spiritual warfare is never more important than when it comes to interceding for the lost. According to Intercessory Prayer, there are three components to a stronghold that we have the power to dismantle in order to see people receive salvation: wrong beliefs, pride, and temptations. In interceding for the lost, we have a part in removing the “veil” of deception that prevents people from receiving the revelation of Christ unto salvation.
How does the concept of spiritual blindness relate to pride? What affect does pride have on people’s ability to receive the Gospel? Refer to 2 Corinthians 4:4.
Unbelievers cannot war for themselves. Will you partner with God in interceding for the lost? Take some time to engage in spiritual warfare on their behalf with your small group.
The power of God is intense, like lightning, according to the Bible. This power and glory now abides in us. We are the new “holy of holies.” The same God that raised Jesus from the dead now dwells within us through the Holy Spirit.
How does the knowledge of this power and “lightning” of God relate to spiritual warfare? Do you feel empowered knowing that God’s power is fully available to you as a follower of Jesus?
What does it mean to be the “light of the world”? Are you leading people to The Light through the way you live your life in prayer and in action?
Discuss practical ways that you can engage in spiritual warfare in intercession. Tell your small group what you are interceding for. Invite them to join you!