“Parenting” Session 8:


Read Chapter 17 of Raising Giant-Killers before beginning this study.


In the midst of the war that rages on around us every day, “parents carry the mandate to make their homes havens of peace.” Remember that the devil’s only purpose is to “steal, kill, and destroy.” But also remember that Jesus came to undo the works of the devil by restoring to us life, and life to the full. While it is true that we have already been given victory by the Cross, we are still engaged in the battles of life. It is important that we teach our children how to fight and what their weapons are.

According to the author, we have four distinct weapons with which to fight our battles:

1. The blood of Jesus

2. The Word of God

3. The Name of Jesus

4. Praise and Worship

  1. Review the description of each of these weapons, as described on pages 201 and 202 of Raising Giant-Killers.

  2. Discuss these weapons of warfare in your small group. Have you had personal experiences of overcoming by provision of these weapons? Share your testimonies. They have the power to inspire faith in those who hear.


We are called to raise children who are giant-killers—children who will impact the world with the world with God’s love and power. It is to this end that we choose to embrace the call of intentional parenting! We are called to raise children who are giant-killers! The author of Raising Giant-Killers suggests one final practice that will empower you to take on this challenge: the power of Communion.

  1. Please, try this at home! Take some time this week to partake of the bread and wine on behalf of yourself and your family. Use this as a time to intercede for your children and declare the promises of God over them.

  2. Take some time to pray and ask the Lord to give you the strength to take up the mantel of this sacrificial role. He will provide you with all that you will need, if you only ask!