Living Streams Development

Ministry is flourishing at Living Streams! We want to share our dreams and plans, and give you an opportunity to partner with us. Our prayer is that in everything we do we will put God’s glory on display, build courageous people, and engage in society’s pain.


Facility Development

We envision a gathering of people as a healthy local church on the corner of Central and Glendale for the next one hundred years. We thank God for this place he has granted us, and we want to steward it well and use it to its fullest potential.

We have developed a master site plan for our facility. The plans include a massive foyer and courtyard remodel, a prayer garden and chapel venue, children’s check-in, security and curb appeal additions facing Glendale Avenue.

In addition, we are working on plans to update the activity center to expand its use for various size events. We also need to make room for our growing youth ministry.

Prayer Chapel 2.jpg


2020 being what it has been, our mortgage was not paid down as much as projected. We pray that we can quickly get back on track to pay it down.

We do not like to be indebted to anyone, but we find comfort in the fact that our mortgage is held by the First Baptist Phoenix Foundation. We love what the foundation does with our mortgage payments. They use the money to plant churches, and they support ministry endeavors—including some Living Streams ministry endeavors!

God has been so good to us, and the First Baptist Phoenix Foundation has, as well. 



In light of our commitment to engage in society’s pain, we have prayed for the Lord to guide us as to how we can help heal racial division in our community. What we discovered was Jesus’ desire for us to help plant some churches.

  • We are currently talking with some leaders to plant Spanish-speaking churches in the Phoenix area.

  • We are considering partnering with an individual who believes God has called them to plant a church in South Phoenix.

We are very excited to take on these efforts to see Jesus’ kingdom expand in Phoenix. There is no more dominant force for good than a healthy local church, and it would be such an honor to serve Jesus in this way.



In case you haven’t heard, we have had a goal of sending fifty long-term missionaries into different parts of the world by 2025. By God’s grace we have sent out seven so far, and are poised to send out more shortly.

Jesus’ commission to His disciples was to go into all the world and preach the gospel. We hear that and are choosing to obey. This plan requires a lot of recruiting, training, planning, sending, supporting and funding. And it is too audacious for us to handle without the Spirit of God leading the way.

If you feel God calling you to go out on the mission field, we’d love to talk it over with you. Call the church office at 602-957-7500 and make an appointment!



In addition to the above exciting-but-not-yet-realized endeavors, we have all the existing vibrant ministries happening each and every day. From teaching to prayer to worship; from food pantry to families to life groups; from babies to youth to young adults; and from missions to facilities to staff—not to mention all of our churchwide services and events; there is a lot of need and a ton of fruit.

Our $2.8 million annual budget represents so much amazing care, compassion, and service by so many amazing people. And the annual audits, elder team and finance committees, plus our open book policy, make sure there is absolute integrity and effectiveness with every dollar spent.

Want to get involved?

If you’d like to get behind us financially, you can give toward any of our development funds. You can give conveniently here. Be sure to select which fund you’d like to support.

Do you have a resource or expertise you’d like to offer? Or maybe you have a dream that we can get behind. We’d love to talk with you! You can reach out at 602-957-7500.