He Is With Us

by Faith Cummings
Pastor of Women’s, Drive Through Prayer, and Counseling Ministries

And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.
–Matthew 28:20

Recently my dear friend Karen North shared her blog post with me regarding hidden anxiety.  

Some people’s anxiety is apparent. We hear it in their voice, in their reactions to these times of national and global upheaval, and even in their prayers. 

For others of us who don’t feel anxious it expresses itself in ways such as an inability to quiet the mind enough to concentrate for extended periods of time, or the continual twitching of a foot when forced to sit still.  

Anxiety, whether hidden or glaringly apparent, needs to be brought to Jesus if we are to find peace. 

When I recognized my “hidden” anxiety, I became very honest with God about why I believed it to be reasonable. So many very painful things happen in this life and we never know when another painful event will happen. During days when the whole world seems to be in danger, the possibility of bad circumstances seems to escalate.  

The Lord’s answer to my fear is simply, “I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” So, no matter how painful circumstances become, I can trust that I will have a friend who knows my heart, cares deeply about what happens to me, and will stand, sit, or cry with me.  

My trust is in Him, not that everything will turn out great, but that He will carry my heart.


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