Lectio Divina
by Veronica Morrison, Pastor of Women’s Ministry
…but whose delight is in the law of the Lord,
and who meditates on his law day and night.
That person is like a tree planted by streams of water,
which yields its fruit in season
and whose leaf does not wither
whatever they do prospers.
–Psalm 1:2-3 (NIV)
I love studying God’s Word! Not so that I can know more information or look smart; but I find that studying is the process that leads me to an intimate, transformational encounter with the Lord. God’s Word teaches me about who God is, what He is like, what is important to Him, how He sees me, and how He wants me to live.
A mentor once told me that the Word of God is something to be chewed—meaning we are to savor it. So, when studying, it is good to take small portions of Scripture to meditate on the context, the meaning, and the significance.
There are seasons in my life where the Lord will have me study one passage of Scripture for months on end. Each reading is unique in what the Lord brings to my awareness. And one of my favorite tools for studying it is Lectio Divina.
Lectio Divina is Latin for Divine Reading. Hebrews 4:12 tells us that God’s Word is alive and active. In our Life Group Leadership Handbook we reference Chris Eaton’s definition of Lectio Divina as: a Bible reading method that allows the Holy Spirit to speak to us, teach us, and guide us through prayerful listening.
Below is the process we use to facilitate a time of Lectio Divina. You can use this with a group, or you can simply walk yourself through some intentional study.
I pray that it blesses you as much as it blesses me.
Lectio Divina
Choose a passage of Scripture. You will read this passage several times. Listen and record the Lord’s prompting for each reading.
Reading #1: Eyes to See
Pray: Father, you have told us that your Word is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword. I pray your Word would pierce my heart with what it is you want me to learn. I pray that, as I read this passage the first time, you would highlight to me a word or phrase.
For this first reading, be on the lookout for a word or phrase from the text that jumps out at you.
Read this through twice. Feel free to write down the word or phrase that you hear. After reading the passage twice, spend about a minute in silence.
Reading #2: Ears to Hear
Now read the passage a third time. This time think about the word or phrase that you wrote down. Be on the lookout for what God is teaching you or saying to you through this passage. Have a conversation with God, and ask Him what He is wanting to teach you. Ask for Him to reveal more to you. Feel free to write anything that you hear.
Reading #3: Change to Make
Pray for this reading: Father, you have told us that the Word became human and made His home among us—full of unfailing love and faithfulness. (John 1:14). May my encounter with you through your Word be as real as if Jesus were here in the room speaking with me face-to-face. Grant me the wisdom to know what changes to make and the strength to do it.
In this reading, ask God to show you anything you need to change. It could be something you need to start (or stop) doing. Maybe it’s a change in perspective. It might be something big, or something small.
Read the passage slowly one final time.
Write down anything that God is asking you to change. Give yourself a few minutes of silence to reflect on this.