As for Me and My House – Day 9


Matthew 13:44 

The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field. 

Leading up to the 1994 World Cup, our son collected Upper Deck trading cards. Certain rare cards offered a chance to win the grand prize—an all-expense-paid trip to the championship at the Rose Bowl. 

He mowed lawns and sold home-baked pretzels to earn money to purchase hundreds of cards, many useless to him. Whenever he found an eligible card, he mailed it in. But none of them won the contest. Then he read the fine print and learned of a second-chance drawing. His diligence paid off when his name was drawn, and he and his dad were flown to Pasadena, housed in a hotel, and seated two rows behind the Italian bench for the championship game.

Like the man in the parable, our son was willing put all his money into purchasing something as ordinary as a field (or boxes of collector cards) in order to garner something much more valuable.

QUESTIONS What will it take for you to give up everything to gain what Jesus says is everything—eternal life? Have you decided He is all you need? For the joy set before Jesus, He endured the cross. Can you sacrifice what seems like everything to gain the joy of what amounts to more than everything?

PRAYER I get so distracted from what is of real importance, Lord. Help me today to lay down my life and let You take it. I consecrate it for Your purposes. Only You can help me do this. I desire to give myself completely to You.

ACTION Take a moment and tell the Lord, “I give you my life and all that I have.” Let go of whatever holds you back from allowing Him to be your greatest treasure. Move beyond desiring to let Him be Lord to actually letting Him take control of your life.


As for Me and My House – Day 10


As for Me and My House – Day 8