As for Me and My House – Day 4


Psalm 107:1

Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever. Let the redeemed of the Lord tell their story—those he redeemed from the hand of the foe, those he gathered from the lands, from east and west, from north and south. 

We all have a story of God’s love for us and how He has been faithful or delivered us from trouble. The more we have been delivered, the more thankful we are. When we are truly redeemed and forgiven, we want to tell others what He has done. 

When you enjoy your dining experience at a great restaurant, what do you do? You tell others. So, tell people your stories of the great and small ways the Lord enriches your life. 

QUESTIONS Have you thought about your story lately? How has God worked to save you in the past, and how He is working now? Will you tell others of His redeeming love for you?

PRAYER I take for granted, Lord, the story of Your working in my life. Help me to speak of Your wonderful, redeeming love for me. I am thankful, so I will speak!

ACTION Look for opportunities to simply tell others how God has worked and shown His love to you personally. Let others around you know. Say something like this to someone today: “I am so thankful that I have seen God at work in my life in _____________(this specific way). How do you see Him working?”


As for Me and My House – Day 5


As for Me and My House – Day 3