As for Me and My House – Day 21


Colossians 3:23-24
Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.

What does it take to win an Olympic gold medal? A life that is dedicated to one thing. An athlete gives hours and hours of practice, training, workouts, special diet and coaching—for years. You don’t become the best of the best overnight. That prize is not easily won.

If people will sacrifice that much for an earthly prize, shouldn’t we be willing to work hard and sacrifice for an eternal prize? We desire to give God our best so that we will be with Him for all of eternity. We give Him our best and He gives us His best. 

QUESTIONS Are you working with all your heart for the Lord or for men? What kind of reward are you working for—earthly recognition of your accomplishments or a heavenly prize (your inheritance)? How does knowing you will receive an inheritance affect your attitude toward work? 

PRAYER Help me work hard for you, Lord, and not for men. Fill me so I can give my very best in whatever I do. 

ACTION Be aware at work, at home, and with others if you are giving your best to serve God who is faithful or man who is not. By your actions, let others get the message, “I see you, I care.” 


As for Me and My House – Day 20