As for Me and My House – Day 19


Romans 12:15-16 
Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn. Live in harmony with one another. Do not be proud, but be willing to associate with people of low position. Do not be conceited. 

Let’s face it—we all struggle with life’s various difficulties at times. God wants us to empathize with one another through those low points. When someone is feeling down, we who are stronger ought to be there for them. 

We should also share in the happiness of those who are doing well and not let ourselves be jealous of their blessings. Jesus was a friend to tax gatherers and sinners. He drank wine at weddings and wept at funerals. 

We can’t all be Mother Teresa, ministering in leper colonies, orphanages, and homes for the dying destitute. But each of is called and equipped to do something. Ask the Lord, what?

QUESTIONS Who are the “people of low position” around you? The unemployed? The homeless? Foster kids? Teen moms? The mentally ill? Recent arrivals in America? What is your attitude toward them? How can you “associate” with them?

PRAYER Your Word is clear, Lord—I am to help prisoners, orphans, widows, those less fortunate than I am. Show me how to demonstrate Your unconditional love to those who are so different from me. Let me humble myself now and go and do what You would do. 

ACTION Go and do it. Serve the marginalized through a church ministry, a faith-based or secular community-service organization, or even as an individual. But do something. Don’t just read this and miss the opportunity to help bear someone else’s burden. Here are just a few ministries that serve marginalized people in the Phoenix area: 

Living Streams Food Pantry & other ministries

Phoenix Rescue Mission


Young Lives Room 4 Me House


Christian Family Care Agency


As for Me and My House – Day 20


As for Me and My House – Day 18