As for Me and My House – Day 15
As for me and my house, we will serve.
Mark 10:43-45
...whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be slave of all. For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.
It has been said that everyone likes to be a servant until they are treated like one. It is not the American way to be a servant to all. But this is God’s way. By the nature of our flesh, we want to be first, not last. But this is not God’s way. Jesus gave us the example of being the ultimate servant and gave His life for us. Will you now give your life to Him? Ask God what you need to repent of to fulfill your destiny and be His servant by serving all.
QUESTIONS What makes it so hard to be a servant? If you could ask God to do one thing that would help you be more like Him, what would it be? How does He want you to fulfill this call of being a servant?
PRAYER So often I am trying to lead instead of following You, Lord. I pray for the ability to grasp what it means to really be a servant to You, to my family, and in other relationships. I want to have Your attitude and to live out what it means to serve others in Your name.
ACTION Ask the Lord to show you how you can serve someone today. Make sure you do something that is what they need, not what you want to do for them. Let God guide you by His Spirit.