Where Problems Are Solved

Today I sat on the bus next to a guy who was really thankful for all that Trump has been doing as president. He said he liked having someone in the White House that shared some of his values and ideals. Then, just after that I saw multiple stories online of people extremely frustrated with Trump and every political official because of their inability to solve or improve the difficult challenges of our day. I was left feeling divided, indecisive, frustrated, and tied up in mental knots. 

Though I don’t have the answers that make me feel like I should run for president, I do know where real problems are really solved. God’s presence is where problems are solved. I have been in so many situations in my life that were complicated, confusing, and seemingly impossible. When I have remembered to prioritize being in God’s presence, I have found resolve, or at least the first step toward resolve. 

Remember, it was God’s presence incarnated and nailed to a cross that forever solved the complicated, entrenching problems of sin and death. It was singing in God’s presence that set Paul and Silas free from the locks and stocks of prison. And it was God‘s presence manifested as a water-parting flame that made a way for the Israelites who were trapped between Pharaoh’s army and a seemingly impassable Red Sea.

Today, as much as any other time, God’s presence is available to us and necessary for us. At any time and in any place, we can access God‘s presence to find grace in time of need. So if you’re stuck, confused, and unsure of how to move because of all the fear, shame, anger, frustration, and pain, take some time to seek God‘s presence. Then, soak in His presence. I have no doubt that you will gain some fresh ideas to bring the resolve you need, and gain the resolve you need to see those fresh ideas accomplished.


David Stockton

David Stockton is the lead pastor at Living Streams Church in Phoenix, Arizona.


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