Roadblocks and Practices
There are many obstacles that stand in our way of experiencing the flourishing, free, and fully alive life that Jesus came, died, and rose from the dead to make possible. Though we feel them and face them all the time, the life of Jesus and the Scriptures He gave teach us about these obstacles. Lucky for us, the life of Jesus and the Scriptures also teach us the practices we need to become strong enough, focused enough, and patient enough to break on through to the other side. We long to see the beautiful and powerful people of Living Streams church be even more beautiful and powerful as they break through the roadblocks in their lives.
This Sunday we will talk about the Roadblocks that keep our potential energy in the realm of the potential and the Practices that cause our potential energy to become kinetic.
We will speak about the Roadblocks that keep us from doing what God requires and the Practices that help us do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with our God.
We will also share about the Roadblocks that cause us to be conformed to the patterns of this world and the Practices that transform us and renew our minds, making us able to know and prove what God’s will is.
I hope you have a great rest of the week and then join us in our services on Sunday. It will be a very full morning. We will wrap up our season of 21 days of fasting and prayer. We will have our last teaching in our Kinetic Moments series. We will have all our 2018 mission trip team leaders in the courtyard for information and questions. And we will have an announcement about an Alpha class starting up. (
I’ll leave you with a poem/prayer I wrote when I was thinking about the roadblocks in our lives.
With the confident cadence of a steady march
And the consistent beat of a steadfast heart
Venturing onward having only one facet
Face set like flint and eyes fixed like granite
Entropy and Inertia stir up utmost friction
Defying all hope; Denying all permission
Like giants and boulders standing in the way
Resisting all progress; Demanding final say
Tonight, when their instance collides with my resolve
And I am left with whatever does not dissolve
Please keep fear and shame under my feet
And let not mine enemy triumph over me
Jesus, I know You have gone before me
You fought these same foes stripped of Your glory
So, help me follow You, having only one facet
With face set like flint and eyes fixed like granite