Make It Rain

So, a short while ago, El Jeffe Talkington, European Luke, Jujitsu Mike, Principal Aaron, and Pastor D all decided to join forces for something that has now taken on the name, “Operation Make It Rain.” Basically, all that means is five guys who live in Phoenix, Arizona and attend Living Streams Church, decided to go on a mission trip to be and to bring the blessings that God provides. 

As the trip took shape, the costs began to pile up. The cost of leaving the family for 9 days, the cost of getting time off work for 9 days—especially right around spring break—and the financial cost of making the trip happen added up to “daunting.” Every time a new idea or opportunity presented itself, it seemed the price tag would jump up. In Honduras, Missionary P, and in Belize, Pastor BZ, kept dreaming bigger and asking if this or that was possible. I kept responding that we will see what the Lord provides. For me, that was a soft way of saying, “Not gonna happen.”  

But, now that our trip is about to happen, I am laughing at myself because of what the Lord has done. We not only raised enough money to make the trip possible, but we raised enough to truly “make it rain” with the blessings and favor of our God. 

The process has been enlightening and encouraging for my faith, and for the faith of all the guys that have been working hard alongside me. We have gone from being anxious and unsure about trying what God was prompting us to do, to being excited and “gung-ho” about doing what God has called us to do. And all this is before we have even begun the trip. Woohoo!

I pray that, if you have joined a missions team and are working to discover what God wants and how God will provide, you will be able to enjoy the process. And I pray that if you have not, you would go online to

And, if this whole Christianity thing is a bit new, or you are new to Living Streams, I pray that you will sign up for our Explore Group. In this group, we will have some fun learning about who God is and who God has made you to be. Yeah, I know it is hard to believe we could have fun doing that, but I said it because it’s true. (The delicious snacks help too.) Click here for Explore info and registration


David Stockton

David Stockton is the lead pastor at Living Streams Church in Phoenix, Arizona.


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