Good News

Record breaking. Uncharted territory. Answer to prayer. Exceeding all expectations. This is the report from our Christmas Eve services last weekend. Thanks to everyone who put in the hard work to prepare the beautiful services and to the 1600+ people that made Living Streams a part of their Christmas celebration.

Family is a big deal around here, and it felt so good to have everyone all together for Christmas. Also—some people let us know they made first time decisions at our services to begin a relationship with Jesus. Thank You Lord, and let Your family continue to grow here at Living Streams.

This Sunday we will look at some Scriptures regarding Jesus' second coming. It should be a lot of fun and, if we do a good job, it will be very uplifting. 

Please join us and bring someone who may need to hear some good news, hope filled news.


David Stockton

David Stockton is the lead pastor at Living Streams Church in Phoenix, Arizona.




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