A Response to Corona Virus (COVID-19)
As events progress, we will update our response to the Corona Virus (COVID-19). Please click here to check for new information.
Like so many of you, we have spent the last several days and weeks learning about the coronavirus (COVID-19) and how it is impacting our world. In times like this, we remember Jesus said we are to be “as wise as serpents and harmless as doves,” and we are also the salt and light of the earth.
During a time when there is much public fear and panic, we are given an opportunity to display God’s glory, build courageous people, and engage in society’s pain.
Here are a couple of ways that Living Streams is responding to COVID-19:
Matt. 6:25-34 – Ask for greater trust in God’s provision, and for provision for those who are affected economically as a result of what’s happening
1 John 4:18 – Ask for an encounter of God’s love that casts out fear
Psalm 91 – Ask God for protection over us, as well as the medical personnel and family members who are caring for those who are recovering from sickness
Being Good Stewards
We are closely monitoring the public health recommendations of the Arizona Department of Health Services and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to keep our children, families, and staff safe and healthy.
On Sundays, we have implemented the following preventative steps:
Our facilities team has been more frequently sanitizing high-traffic areas including surfaces, play areas, and door handles.
Between services, all Children’s classrooms, supplies, and toys used are being sanitized.
Utilizing Communion stations throughout the sanctuary to minimize the passing of Communion elements.
The Prayer team will sanitize their hands before and after ministry.
One of the best preventative measures to sickness is to have a healthy immune system. We encourage everyone to steward their health. Get enough rest and sleep, eat healthy, exercise regularly, and learn a lifestyle of trusting in God and casting anxieties onto Him.
We want to be prudent and wise, without falling into the same sentiment of fear and panic around us. And we want to be the voice of hope and peace to those who do not know Jesus. If you have any concerns, please contact us.
We currently livestream our services. If you are immune compromised or currently sick we would love for you to join us online so you do not miss out: livingstreams.org/live.
We will continue to monitor the situation and update as needed. Thank you for being part of the Living Streams Family!
In Christ,
Arthur Lee
Director of Operations