Can You Feel the Joy?
I am so proud of our Living Streams family. I know we are not the biggest, hippest, or even best church in town. But my heart wells up with steady joy as I see us step further into our potential.
In the past few months, I have watched us excel in the Apostle’s Doctrine, the breaking of bread, fellowship, and prayer. The same four things the extremely powerful and impactful first church devoted themselves to (Acts 2:42).
Our attendance has grown in our Sunday morning services where we have been diving into the Bible and learning why Christians do what they do (Apostle’s Doctrine). We were able to give close to $15,000 to relief efforts for the hurricanes and earthquakes that took place this summer, and we did it without taking a special offering because of the faithful tithing and giving of our church family (breaking of bread). We had over five hundred people register and over four hundred show up to our Wednesday Night Fam Nights to spend time together and grow stronger in different areas of our lives (fellowship). And we have seen an increase in everyone’s engagement during the singing and praying times in our services (prayer). Can you feel the same steady joy rising in your heart? Are you hungry to see us discover more of our God given potential? I know I am.
This Sunday we continue our Why We Do series. Our world is topsy-turvy with all the natural disasters and human depravity we have seen this summer. We, the people called to be salt and light, need to take up our position as peacemakers. Please join us and keep pushing further into your God given potential, so this broken world can see what Jesus can do with broken things.
Grace and peace to you,