A World Full of Flowers
After yesterday’s disturbing events at the Capitol building, I am trying to hang onto what my daughter said about 2021 being full of flowers.
After all the unhelpful and inciting sound bites and rhetoric filling up the American mind so starved for truth and wisdom, I am trying to hang onto what my daughter said about 2021 being full of flowers.
After all the divisive and empty leadership our country has lived under for years, I am trying to hang onto what my daughter said about 2021 being full of flowers.
My wife sat us all down one night last week and asked us to listen for Jesus to speak to us about the year we are beginning. Each of my daughters shared something they sensed Jesus tell them. My daughter, Bella, said she saw 2020 as a ship in a massive storm, and 2021 with flowers everywhere.
There is a peculiar book in the library of Scripture called Song of Songs. In this poetic book of love there is a verse that shares the same sentiment I think Jesus was communicating to Bella:
“My beloved spoke and said to me, “Arise, my darling, my beautiful one, come with me. See! The winter is past; the rains are over and gone. Flowers appear on the earth; the season of singing has come, the cooing of doves is heard in our land.”
For Bella, life has been full of difficulty. She was born with Spina Bifida and she has no feeling or function below her knees. She does life in a wheelchair. This has not stopped her from seeing life as full of flowers. And it may be that we all need to learn from Bella and all the others with disabilities that there are always flowers everywhere for those who will look for them. In another place, the Bible says the whole earth is filled with God’s glory.
Can you hear the voice of the Lord calling us to stop looking for the ugly, stop dwelling on each other’s faults, stop listening to fools and their foolishness, and come away with Him to see all the beauty and life?
As we see the true colors of secularism and human philosophy come shining through, let’s be a community of people wherein the true colors of Jesus’ love, grace and truth come shining through.
Peace to you and yours,